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Athens County Home Register, Volume 1, 1857-1884 Pages 84 - 140
These records are transcribed from microfilm. I have done my best to transcribe exactly as written. Any notes of my own or possible transcriptions will be contained in ( ). Please check the film yourself to confirm actual record. Some obvious misspellings have been corrected but Names are transcribed exactly as written. As always, refer to the original microfilm for certainty. This microfilm can be found at the Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio. Use the "find" feature of your browser to search more quickly When a name is spelled differently in the SAME entry, the new spelling is also bolded. ©Julie Lynn North, January 2003-2005
Melissa Jane Cullison received into the Infirmary August 12th, 1863 by direction of Trustees of York Township, age 16 years, birthplace State of Ohio. Length of residence not known. Previous habits supposed to be good. Present condition sick and destitute. Entered by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Melissa Jane Cullison left the Infirmary Sept. 4th, 1863 being discharged by the directors for so doing.Merilla Sharp was received into Infirmary August 9th, 1863 by direction of Trustees of Athens Township. Age 22 years. Birthplace Holmes County, State of Ohio. Length of residence four years. Previous habits not named. Present condition destitute of means and out of health. Entered by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Merilla Sharp gave birth to a male child August 23rd, 1863 named Hiram Fuller Sharp. Merilla Sharp and her child left the Infirmary Sept. 23rd, 1863 both being discharged by the Directors. Margaret Carpenter was received into the Infirmary September 4th, 1863 by direction of Trustees of Lodi township. Age 10 years. Birthplace Louis County, Virginia. Length of residence 1 year and six months. Previous habits not stated. Present condition a fever. Entered by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. June 2nd, 1864, Margarett Carpenter was legally discharged from the Infirmary by the board of directors, being fully restored to health. Died Dec. 18th, 1880; was taken to Columbus Medical College. Children all sent to the Home January 12th, 1882. Elizabeth Kincade wife of Hiram Kincade ( He being in the Union Army at present) was therefore received into the Infirmary the second time September 3rd, 1863 by direction of Trustees of Rome Township. Present condition, chills and fever. For further particulars, see page 60. Entered by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Elizabeth Kincade having recovered, left the Infirmary September 16th, 1863. Being discharged by the directors. Elizabeth Kincade died Sept. 9, 1877. Buried in County (grave) yard. Solomon Smith was received into the Infirmary September 20th, 1863 by direction of Trustees of York Township, Athens County. Age 80 years the birth place Virginia. Length of residence Ten months. Previous habits moral. Present condition sick and shiftless. Entered by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Solomon Smith discharged June 14th, 1864. He went to live with James Richards of Athens Township. December 1st, 1864, Solomon Smith was buried by his friends in the Cemetery grave No. 32, Range No. 1, the deceased came to his death by cutting his own throat while living with his friends. Tamer Smith wife of Solomon Smith was received into the Infirmary September 20th, 1863 by direction of Trustees of York Township, Athens county. Aged 77 years. The birthplace- state of Virginia. Length of residence ten months. Previous habits moral. Present condition sick and shiftless, they was not warned to depart the township. Entered by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Tamer Smith departed this life October 25th, 1863 buried in the County Burial Ground in Range one, No. 26. Cause of death spinal disease and old age. Elizabeth Hallet was received into the Infirmary October 2nd, 1863. By direction of Trustees of Athens township. Ages 40 years, her birthplace Washington County, Ohio. Length of residence some five years. Previous habits not stated. Present condition sick and destitute. For further particulars see page 5. Entered by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Elizabeth Hallett (two t’s this time) was this (blank) day of (blank), discharged being restored to health. Catherine North returned the third time to Infirmary July 7th, 1863. By Direction of Trustees of Dover Township and Order of Henry Brown, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. See page 25 and 36 Catherine North was discharged from the Infirmary January 7th, 1865, and went home with her son in Law, John Evener, Ames Twp. ( I'm looking for more info on her, please email me at Julie@juliesgenealogy.com ) Emily McKitrick was received into the Infirmary October 26th, 1863 by direction of the Trustees of Dover township. Aged 28 years, the birthplace of said pauper, State of Ohio. Length of residence in Township not stated nor previous habits. Her present condition destitute and in the family way. Entered. See page 66. By order of Directors, Hiram Fuller, Supt. In the matter of complaint she is a transient and runaway pauper from Morgan county Infirmary. Emily McKitrick taken from this Infirmary to her legal residence November 24th. Henry North was received into the Infirmary October 26th, 1863. By Direction of Trustees of Dover Township. Aged 63 years, (continued on page 87) Birthplace the State of New York. Length of residence in said township, twenty-eight years. Previous habits – Intemperate, present Condition – Sick and destitute. Entered. By Order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Henry North was this day, June 2nd, 1864, discharged by order of Directors Electa North, wife of Henry North, received into the Infirmary October 26th, 1863, aged 66 years. Birthplace State of Ohio. Length of residence in said township, Twenty Eight years. Her previous habits not stated. Present condition – destitute. Entered. By Order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. June 2nd, 1864, Electa North was discharged from Infy. for disgraceful conduct. Lucy Tinkham returned the second time and was received into the Infirmary October 26th, 1863. (Lucy Tinkham was daughter of Henry and Electa North, above) By Direction of Trustees of Dover Township, age 28 years, birthplace State of Ohio, length of residence in said township, twenty-eight years. Previous habits, Indolent and lazy. Present condition, Sick and destitute. Entered. By Order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. See page 34 Lucy Tinkham and her two children Eliza and John were discharged May 1st, 1865, by Order of Directors, Discharged Eliza Tinkham, daughter of Lucy Tinkham was received into the Infirmary October 26th, 1863. By direction of Trustees of Dover Township, (continued on page 88) age 6 years, present condition, destitute. Entered. By order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Eliza Tinkham bound out to John Hatfield of Trimble Township this 1st day of November 1865. (This date conflicts with Mother’s record, which states that Children Eliza and John were discharged with her. Was she bound out later?) John Tinkham, son of Lucy Tinkham, was received into the Infirmary October 26th, 1863. By direction of Trustees of Dover Township. Age 4 years, present condition, destitute. Entered by Order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Charles Francis was received into the Infirmary October 27th, 1863 by Direction of Trustees of York Township. Aged 35 years. Birthplace State of Ohio. Length of residence fifteen years. Previous habits, Bad. Present condition sick. Entered. By order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Charles Francis left Infirmary March 7th, 1864 being restored to health. Returned April 22nd, 1864 by order of Trustees of York Township, his condition insane and destination uncertain. May 8th, 1864 Francis discharged in good health. Mary Ann Sweesey was received into the Infirmary October 27th, 1863. By direction of Trustees of York Township. Aged 22 years. Birthplace York Township, Athens County, Ohio. Length of residence Twenty-two years. Previous habits very unbecoming. Present condition in the Family way and sick. Entered. By Order of directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Mary Ann Sweesey gave birth to a female child Dec. 7th, 1863 named Alice Josephine Sweesey. August 28th, 1864, Alice J. Sweesey died & buried in Grave No. 7 Children’s Row. Mary Ann Sweesey was discharged September 6th, 1864.
Laura Sweesey
Mary Ann Six was received into Infirmary November 12th, 1863 by direction of Trustees of Waterloo Township. Age 14 years. Birthplace Waterloo Township, Athens County, Ohio. Length of residence fourteen years in said township. Previous habits unfavorable. Present condition very poor and in bad health. Entered by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Mary Ann Six gave birth to a stillborn male child December 1st, 1863. March 3rd, 1864 Mary Ann discharged in good health. (index calls her "Mary Ann Six, daughter of John") George Reeves received into Infirmary December 15th, 1863 by direction of Trustees of Dover Township. Age 40 years birthplace is Hocking County, State of Ohio. Length of residence is said township thirty years. previous habits not good. Present condition destitute of every thing. Entered by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. May 15th, 1864 George Reeves left infirmary and June 2nd was discharged by directors. Margaret McDaniel received into the Infirmary December 21st, 1863 by direction of Trustees of Dover Township. Age 26 years, her birthplace the state of Ohio. Length of residence ten years in township. Previous habits indolent and lazy. Present condition destitute. Never warned to depart the township. Entered by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Margaret McDaniel runaway from Infirmary and stole and carried away with her articles of clothing to the value of $11.50 and was discharged by directors June 27th, 1864. George McDaniel, son of Margaret McDaniel received into the Infirmary December 21st, 1863. Age 8 years. Birthplace Athens County, Ohio. Length of residence eight years. Previous habits indolent. Present condition destitute. Entered by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. George McDaniel left with his Mother June 27th, 1864. Washington McDaniel son of Margaret McDaniel received into Infirmary December 21st, 1863. Age 5 years birthplace Athens County, Ohio. Length of residence five years. previous habits not formed. Present condition destitute. Entered by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Wash McDaniel left with his mother June 27th, 1864. Returned July 5th, 1864. Mary McDaniel, daughter of Margaret McDaniel was received into Infirmary (cont.’ on page 91) (cont.’ from Mary McDaniel page 90) December 21st, 1863. Age 3 years. Birthplace Athens County, Ohio. Length of residence three years. present condition destitute. Entered by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Mary left with her Mother June 27th, 1864. Alfred C. McDaniel, son of Margaret McDaniel received into the Infirmary December 21st, 1863. Age when admitted three weeks; birthplace Athens County, Ohio. Length of residence three weeks. Present condition destitute. Entered by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Alfred McDaniel was taken from Infirmary by Job McDaniel and adopted as his own child this 29th day of May, 1864. Catharine Skiver received into the Infirmary January 6th, 1864 by direction of Trustees of York Township. Aged 30 years (or 38?). Her birthplace York Township, Athens County, State of Ohio. Length of residence not stated. Previous habits good. Present condition needy, bare-footed and almost naked. Entered by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Catherine Skiver gave birth to a male child May 10th, 1864 and named it Emily Skiver. (even though it said male child) Ezekiah Skiver, son of Catharine Skiver, received into the Infirmary January 6th, 1864. By direction of Trustees of York Township (cont.’ on page 92) (cont.’ from Ezekiah Skiver on page 91) age 12 years, birthplace York Township, Athens County, Ohio. Length of residence not stated. Previous habits not matured. Present condition destitute. Entered by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Discharged August 14th, 1865. Clirinda Skiver daughter of Catharine Skiver received into the Infirmary January 6th, 1864. Age 9 years, birthplace York Township, Athens County, Ohio. Length of residence not stated. Previous habits not matured. Present condition destitute. Entered by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Discharged August 14th, 1864. Thomas Skiver son of Catharine Skiver received into Infirmary January 6th, 1864. Age 5 years. Birthplace York Township, Athens County, Ohio. Length of residence not stated. Previous habits not matured. Present condition destitute. Entered by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Discharged August 14th, 1864 Eve Stubs received into the Infirmary January 8th, 1864 by direction of Trustees of Dover Township. Age 23 years. Birthplace is in Ohio. Length (cont.’ on page 93) (cont.’ from Eve Stubs page 92) of residence not known. Previous habits unknown. Present condition bad, never been warned to depart the said township. Entered by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. April 19th, 1864 delivered to James Hockins Trustee of Ward Township, Hocking County, Ohio. Fanny Stubs, daughter of Eve Stubs received into Infirmary January 8th, 1864 by direction of Trustees of Dover Township. Age 6 years. Birthplace Dover Township, Athens County, Ohio. Length of residence from Birth. Previous habits not matured. Present condition bad. Entered by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. April 19th, 1864 Fanny Stubs was delivered to James Hockins, trustee of Ward township Hocking County, Ohio and conveyed to said township the place of her residence. Louisa Stubs daughter of Eve Stubs received into the Infirmary January 8th, 1864 by direction of Trustees of Dover Township. Age 3 years. Birthplace Dover Township, Athens County, Ohio. Length of residence from birth. Previous habits not matured. Present condition bad. Entered by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. April 19th, 1864 sent to her residence in Ward Township, Hocking County, Ohio conveyed by James Hockins Trustee of said Township. Mariah Stubs daughter of Eve Stubs received into Infirmary January 8th, 1864 by direction of Trustees of Dover Township (cont.’ on page 94) (cont.’ from Mariah Stubs on page 93) age when admitted, 5 months. Length of residence from birth in Dover Township. Previous habits not matured. Present condition bad. Entered by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Died of Pneumonia April 18th, 1864 and interred in Co. Graveyard Children’s Row No. 6. Range No. 1. Dianthy McAboy received into the Infirmary January 13th, 1864 by direction of Trustees of Trimble Township. A transient Pauper from Dover Township. Aged 42 years, birthplace Athens County, Ohio. Length of residence I Trimble Township none months. Previous habits indolent and lazy. Present condition destitute of every thing. Never been warned to depart the said township. Entered by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Diantha McAboy left the Infirmary on her own account January 31st, 1864 and was discharged by order of Directors February 1st, 1864. Phebe McAboy daughter of Dianthy McAboy received into the Infirmary January 13th, 1864 by direction of Trustees of Trimble Township as a transient pauper from Dover township. Age 18 years. Birthplace Meigs County, Ohio. Residence nine months in said township. Previous habits indolent and lazy. Present condition destitute. Entered by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Phebe McAboy left the Infirmary April 1st, 1864 and was discharged same day. Elizabeth McAboy daughter of Dianthy McAboy received into the Infirmary January 13th, 1864 by direction of the Trustees of Trimble Township as a transient pauper from Dover Township. Age 15 years. Birthplace Meigs county, Ohio. Residence nine months in said township. Previous habits indolent. Present condition destitute. Entered by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Elizabeth McAboy was discharged from infirmary February 1st, 1864. Lorry McAboy daughter of Dianthy McAboy was received into Infirmary January 13th, 1864 by direction of Trustees of Trimble Township as a transient pauper from Dover Township. Age 9 years. Birthplace Trimble Township, Athens County, Ohio. Residence nine months in said township. Laura McAboy was discharged and left Infirmary April 1st, 1864. Clarisa McAboy daughter of Dianthy McAboy received into Infirmary January 13th, 1864 by direction of Trustees of Trimble Township as a transient pauper from Dover Township. Age 6 years. Birthplace Trimble Township, Athens County, Ohio. Residence nine months in said township. Previous habits not matured. Present condition destitute. Entered by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Clarisa McAboy left the Infirmary with her Mother March 1st, 1864 in good health and comfortably clad and was discharged by order of Directors. Mariah McAboy, daughter of Dianthy McAboy received into the Infirmary January 13th, 1864 by direction of Trustees of Trimble Township as a transient pauper from Dover Township. Age 2 years. Birthplace Dover Township, Athens County, Ohio. Residence nine months in said township. Previous habits not matured. Present condition destitute. Entered by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Mariah McAboy left the Infirmary January 31st, 1864 with her mother and is discharged by order of the Directors. Daniel McGrath received into infirmary January 16th, 1864 by direction of the Trustees of Athens Township. Aged about 50 years. Birthplace in the State of Ohio, having no legal settlement in said township. Been injured by the cars on the railroad. Previous habits intemperance. Present condition left leg broken in three places and destitute of any means of support. Entered by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Daniel McGrath was discharged December 14th, 1865. Lovina Reeves, wife of George Reeves received into the Infirmary January 22nd, 1864 by direction of Trustees of Dover Township. Aged 23 years. Birthplace Belmont County, Ohio. Length of residence ten years. previous habits not good. Present condition bad. Entered by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. May 15th, left for parts unknown. Discharged by the Directors. Malinda Groves daughter of Lovina Reeves, received into the infirmary January 22nd, 1864 by direction of Trustees of Dover Township. Aged 5 years. Birthplace Belmont County, Ohio. Length of residence nearly five years. present condition bad. Entered by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. May 15th, 1864 left with her Mother Lovina Reeves and discharged June 2nd, 1864. Returned pregnant and delivered of a male child April 23, 1877. Married Sam Smith October 1, 1877. William Reeves son of Lovina and George Reeves received into Infirmary January 22nd, 1864 by direction of Trustees of Dover Township. Aged 2 years. Birthplace Dover Township, Athens County, Ohio. Residence two years. present condition bad. Entered by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. May 15th, 1864 left with his Mother Lovina Reeves and was discharged June 2nd, 1864. Elias Skiver, son of Catharine Skiver received into Infirmary January 30th, 1864 being sent from York Township to join the rest of the family in the Infirmary. Age when admitted 14 years. Birthplace Athens County, Ohio. Length of residence not stated. Previous habits not named. Present condition needy. Entered by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Elias Skiver was discharged from infirmary May 18th, 1864 by order of the Directors. William Jackson a transient pauper from Cleveland, Ohio, was received into the Infirmary February 17th, 1864, aged seventy four years. Birthplace Cleveland, Ohio. Present condition badly ruptured on the left side and destitute of any means of support. Certificate for admission made by C. R. Sheldon and Jess Davis, Trustees of Athens Township. Order made by N. Root Esq., Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. William Jackson was discharged from the infirmary March 21st, 1864 being restored to health. John Skiver received into the Infirmary February 21st, 1864 by the direction of John Shaner and Samuel Woodworth, Trustees of Trimble Township. Aged 80 years. Birthplace State of New jersey. Length of residence 24 years. Previous habits indolent. Present condition destitute of everything and badly afflicted with dropsy. Received by order of H. Brown, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. John Skiver is this day, June 3rd, 1864, permitted by the Infirmary to leave and if he cannot make a living to return. Eve Skiver, wife of John Skiver, was received into Infirmary February 17th, 1864 by direction of Trustees of Trimble Township, to vit; John Shaner & Samuel Woodworth. Age of said Eve is 81 years. Birthplace Pennsylvania. Length of residence 24 years. previous habits indolent. Present condition destitute and sick. Received by order of Henry Brown, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Eve Skiver was this day, June 3rd, 1864, permitted to go with her husband John Skiver and on the same terms. Returned June 1st, 1865. Left to live with John Koon who agreed to keep her during her natural lifetime free of charged, January 11th, 1866. Returned Jan 25th, 1866. Margaret Ryther a pauper from Carthage Township was received into the Infirmary March 15th, 1864 by direction of the Trustees of said Carthage Township. The age of said Margaret is seventeen years on the 2nd day of June next. Birthplace Carthage Township. Length of residence 17 years, 2nd of June next. Previous habits running through the country to the annoyance the citizens generally. Present condition destitute of everything. Received By order of N. Root Esq., Infirmary Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Margaret Rither left the Infirmary May 15th, 1864 being discharged by the Directors. Thomas Pendergrass, a pauper from Trimble Township, Athens County, Ohio was received into the Infirmary March 5th, A.D. 1864 by the direction of the Trustees of said Trimble Township. The age of said Thomas is 64 years. Birthplace Ireland. Length of residence 5 years. Previous habits industrious but drunken. Present condition destitute and insane. Received by order of Henry Brown¸ Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Thomas Pendergrass admitted March 5th, 1864 and died of Delirium Tremens (Webster's: a violent delirium with tremors that is induced by excessive and prolonged use of alcoholic liquors — called also d.t.'s) or effects of drunkenness March 25th, 1864. Interred in Grave No. 30., Range 1. Lovina R. Shivilier returned to Infirmary August 27th, 1964 after being absent from Infirmary at her Father’s in Carthage Township for the term of nine months, being pregnant and health. January 10th, 1865 she delivered of a male child and named him Elmer Shivilier. See page 42, 49. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Elmer died January 25th, 1865 and was interred in grave No. 9 Range No. 2 Children’s row. Lovina R. Shivilier gave birth to a female child May 27th, 1866 and named her Murta Rainey. Left to live with her Mother July (or Aug.) 10, 1868 & returned April 1, 1869 in a family way. Delivered of a female child June 24th, 1869. (Indexed as Shevilier, but also indexed as Chevelier) THERE IS NO PAGE 100 OR 101 on Microfilm! Marcellus K. Williams, a transient pauper from Canaan Township, Athens County, Ohio was received by the direction of the Trustees of said Canaan Township this May 30th, 1864. Age of Marcellus five years, having no legal settlement in said Canaan Township being a resident of Studdy Township, Keokuk County, Iowa. Length of residence in Canaan Township two months. Previous habits not known. Received by order of N. Root Esq., Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. (No dismissal noted) Celia Walton a pauper from Athens Township was received into Infirmary August 12, 1864. Age of said Celia 17 years. Birthplace Athens township. Present condition sick and destitute. Received by order of N. Root, Director. Celia Walton was discharged from infirmary Dec. 9th, 1864. Minia May Walton, an infant child of Celia Walton from Athens Township was received into Infirmary August 12th, 1864. Aged 4 weeks. Birthplace New York City. Received by order of N. Root, Director. Minia May Walton died December 6th, 1864. Buried Dec. 7th, 1864 in grave No. 7 (or 9) in Children’s Row. John McGrier a pauper from Rome Township. Age of said pauper 40 years. Birthplace Ireland. Length of residence in Rome Township 3 years. Previous habits industrious but in a habit of getting intoxicated. Present condition very lame from having a leg broken and not able to perform labor. Re’d by order of Ezra Goodspeed, Director, August 15th, 1864. Hiram Fuller, Supt. May 3rd, 1865, John McGrear was discharged being restored and desirous to get away. Alexander Campbell, a pauper from Canaan township, age 14 years. Birthplace Canaan Township, Athens County, Ohio. Length of residence all his life from his birth. Previous habits unknown. Present condition destitute. Re’d September 29th, 1864 by order of Norman Root, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. July 3rd, 1865 Alexander Campbell was discharged being able to make his living. William Hope a pauper from York Township, age of said pauper (blank) years. Birthplace England. Length of residence in the aforesaid Township, 4 years. Previous habits industrious. Occupation a coal digger but in the habit of getting intoxicated. Present condition very much afflicted with rheumatism and entirely destitute of any means of support. Re’d by H. Brown, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Discharged May 1st, 1865 being restored to health went to Nelsonville. Jane Packard a pauper from Carthage Township received Nov. 2nd, 1864. Age of said pauper 57 years. Birthplace State of New York. Length of residence 24 years. present condition sick and entirely destitute of all means of support. Re’d Nov. 2nd, 1864 by order of N. Root, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Discharged. Died Feb. 25th, 1879. Mary Perry a pauper from York Township received November 16th, 1864. Age of said pauper 17 years. Length of residence 4 years. Birthplace Ireland. Previous habits unknown. Present condition destitute. Re’d Nov. 16th, 1864 by order of. E. Goodspeed, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Mary Perry was discharged by order of the Directors January 24th, 1865. John Perry an infant child of Mary Perry , aged 8 months, a pauper from York Township, received into Infirmary Nov. 16th, 1864. re’d by order of Ezra Goodspeed, Dir. Hiram Fuller, Supt. John Perry was discharged by order of the Directors January 24th, 1865 and went with his Mother. William Letchew a transient pauper from Shanadoie (sic) Valey (sic), VA; re’d Dec. 3rd, 1864 by order of Henry Brown, Director. Aged 49 years. Hiram Fuller, Supt. William Letchew died Dec. 16th, 1864. Disease putrid sore mouth and buried in County ground Range 2, grave No. 1. Jane Buckhannon a pauper from Alexander Township, Athens, County, Ohio received December 12th, 1864. Age 20 years. Birthplace Alexander Township. Length of residence 20 years. Previous habits bad. Present condition destitute and in a family way. Re’d by order of Ezra Goodspeed, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Jane Buckhannon gave birth to a male child named Malon Hatcher Buckhannon Dec. 17th, 1864. Malon H. Buckhannon died Dec. 28th, 1864 and interred in grave No. 8 Children’s Row. Elizabeth Kelly a pauper from Trimble Township Re’d Dec. 23rd, 1864. Aged 28 years. Birthplace Belmont County, Ohio. Length of residence not given. Previous habits not given. Present condition destitute. Re’d by order of Ezra Goodspeed, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Elizabeth Kelly have birth to a male child and named it Thomas. Grave No. 10 children’s row. Thomas Kelly died of lung fever Oct. 6th, 1865. Elizabeth Kelly left the Infirmary in company with her husband Jourdon Kelly, October 28th, 1865. Alexander Kelly a pauper from Trimble Township age 8 years. Birthplace Ohio. Length of residence 2 years. Previous habits not known. Present condition destitute. Re’d by order of Ezra Goodspeed, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. October 28th, 1865 Alexander Kelly left with his Father, Jourdon Kelly. George Kelly a pauper from Trimble Township received December 23rd, 1864. Age 7 years. Birthplace Athens Co., Ohio. Length of residence not given. Previous habits not known. Present condition destitute. Re’d by order of Ezra Goodspeed, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. October 28th, 1865 George Kelly left Infirmary with his father and mother; Jourdon Kelly & Elizabeth Kelly. Sarah M. Kelly a pauper from Trimble Township, re’d Dec. 23rd, 1864. Aged 5 years. Birthplace Athens Co., Ohio. Length of residence 5 years. Previous habits not given. Present condition destitute. Re’d by order of Ezra Goodspeed, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Sarah Kelly left Infirmary with her father this October 28th, 1865. Henry B. Kelly a pauper from Trimble Township, aged 3 years. Birthplace Athens County, Ohio. Length of residence not given. Previous habits not known. Present condition destitute. Re’d by order of Ezra Goodspeed, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Henry Kelly left Infirmary October 28th, 1865 with his father. Jacob Six a pauper from York Township sent by Trustees of Athens Township as a transient. Age twelve years. Birthplace Athens County. Length of residence 12 years. Present condition destitute. By order of N. Root, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Dec. 24th, 1864. Discharged March 24th, 1865. Dicharged again July 2 (or 12), 1871 (or 1877). (no transcription yet for pages 96-106) Matilda North, a pauper from Dover Township, was received January 17th A.D. 1865, age 20 years. Birthplace of Matilda North – York Twp, Athens County, Ohio. Length of residence 20 years. Previous habits not given. Present condition, delivered this day of a stillborn child and without any means of support. Re’d By Order of Ezra Goodspeed, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Matilda North was discharged this 17th day of April, 1865, being restored to health. John Pagett a pauper from Trimble Township age 75 years. The
birthplace Nottingham, England. Length of residence in the county of Athens
18 years. Present condition very Infirm and destitute. Re’d by order of Ezra
Goodspeed, Director. January 20th, 1865. Hiram Fuller, Supt.
John Padgett (with a "d")
was discharged being restored
to health April 29th, 1865.
Christiana Thompson,
Dudley McDaniel a pauper from Trimble Township was admitted into Infirmary February 6th, 1865. Age of said pauper 14 years. Birthplace Dover Township, Length of residence 2 years. Present condition an orphan and without means of support and withal indolent. Re’d by order of Ezra Goodspeed, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Dudley McDaniel left to live with John Beabout (or Babout) of Hocking County; August 1865. George McDaniel a pauper from Dover Township was admitted to Infirmary February 6th, 1865. Age of said George 8 years. Birthplace Dover Township. Length of residence 8 years. Present condition a half orphan and abandoned by his Mother and entirely destitute of any means of support. Re’d by order of Ezra Goodspeed, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Discharged and left with his Mother. George W. McDaniel a pauper from Dover Township received February 6th, 1865. Age of said pauper 6 years. Length of residence 6 years. Previous habits unknown. Present condition destitute of any means of support. Re’d by order of Ezra Goodspeed, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. (no dismissal notes) Mary McDaniel a pauper from Dover Township, received into infirmary February 6th, 1865. Age of said Mary, 3 years. Length of residence 3 years. Previous habits unknown. Present condition half orphan abandoned by her Mother and entirely destitute of any means of support. Re’d by order of Ezra Goodspeed, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. (no dismissal notes) Robert Martin a pauper from Trimble Township, Athens County, Ohio was received into Infirmary February 29th, 1865. Age of said Robert Martin 51 years. Birthplace Ireland. Length of residence 10 years. previous habits drunken. Present condition badly afflicted with chronic diarrhea, fever and ague and yellow Janders (Jaundice?), without any means of support. Re’d by order of Ezra Goodspeed, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Robert Martin departed this life October 21st, 1865 at ½ past 10 o’clock in the evening. He was branded on the left side with the letter "D". Disease Jaundes & consumption. Interred in grave No. 3, Range No. 2. Christina Thompson a pauper from Alexander Township was received into Infirmary February 27th, 1865. Age of said Christina Thompson 25 years. Birthplace Alexander Township, Athens County, Ohio. Length of residence 25 years. Previous habits bad. Present condition destitute. Re’d by order of N. Root, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Died at the home of Jonathan Smith near Nelsonville, York Township, Athens County, Ohio; November 15th, 1870. Mary Wallace a pauper from York Township, Athens County, Ohio was received into Infirmary May 3rd, 1865. Age of said pauper 40 years. Birthplace Muskingum County, Ohio. Length of residence two years. previous habits not known. Present condition destitute. Re’d by order of -. Hiram Fuller, Supt. May 19th, Mary Wallace left Infirmary being restored to health. Dorcas A. Wallace a pauper from York Township, Athens County, Ohio. Re’d May 3rd, 1865. Age 17 years, birthplace Ohio. Length of residence three years. Previous habits unknown. Present condition very unhealthy and destitute of means of support. Re’d by order of -. Hiram Fuller, Supt. August 6th, 1865 Dorcas Wallace left Infirmary being restored to health. Celia Frances Wallace, a pauper from York Township, Athens County, Ohio. May 3rd, 1865. Age 13 years. Birthplace Muskingum County, Ohio. Length of residence in Township three years. Previous habits unknown. Present condition destitute. Re’d by order of N. Root, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Celia F. Wallace left the Infirmary to live with Michael McGill, July 15th, 1865. Martha A. Wallace a pauper from York Township, Athens County, Ohio was admitted into Infirmary May 3rd, 1865. Age of said Martha 7 years. Birthplace Ohio. Length of residence 3 years. Previous habits unknown. Present condition destitute. Re’d by order of N. Root, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Martha A. Wallis was discharged September 14, 1865. L. G. Watterman a pauper from troy Township, Athens County, Ohio was admitted into Infirmary May 1st, 1865. Age of said person 27 years. Birthplace Troy Township. Length of residence in the township 27 years. Previous habits temperate. Present condition Lunatic having just returned from the State Lunatic Asylum as an incurable patient. Re’d by order of Ezra Goodspeed, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Sent to Lunatic Asylum June 8th, 1874. Returned Oct. 15th, 1880. Taken to Athens Asylum again Jan. 25th, 1887. Clara Ansa Beaton a pauper from Lodi Township, Athens County, Ohio was received into the Infirmary May 8th, 1865. Age 8 years. Birthplace Lee Township. Length of residence in township 18 months. Previous habits good. Present condition destitute. Re’d by order of Elmer Rowell, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. August 7th, 1865 – Clara Antha Beaton was bound out to William Hunter of Union Township, Wood County, West Virginia. Reference Dr. Jas. F. Hord, Athens. Horton Sims a pauper from Lee Township, Athens County and State of Ohio, received into Infirmary May 8th, 1865. Age of said pauper 5 years. Birthplace Lee Township, length of residence 5 years. Previous habits bad boy! Present condition destitute. Re’d by order of N. Root, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. (Dismissal note area only says "at Tho. Cambeys") Smith Rainey a pauper from Canaan Township was received into the Infirmary May 27th, 1865. Age of said pauper 43 years. Birthplace Columbiana County, Ohio. Length of residence four years; 3 of the 4 was in the U.S. service as a private soldier. Previous habits intemperate. Present condition spinal affection and entirely destitute any means of support. Red’ by order of N. Root, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. January 3rd, 1866 Smith Rainey was discharged by order of the Directors December 26th 1865. (yes, there really were two dates). Louisa Cross a pauper from Rome Township was admitted into infirmary May 9th, 1865. Age of said pauper 18 years. Birthplace Meigs County, Ohio. Length of residence I township 4 years. previous habits bad. Present condition pregnant and destitute of any means of support. . Red’ by order of Ezra Goodspeed, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Louisa Cross gave birth to a female child July 30th, A.D. 1865 and was discharged September 21st, 1865. John Skiver a pauper from Trimble Township was received into the Infirmary June 10th, 1865. Age of said pauper as near as can be ascertained is 81 years. Birthplace State of New Jersey. Length of residence 25 years. previous habits indolent. Present condition very old and infirm without any means of support. . Red’ by order of Ezra Goodspeed, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. John Skiver departed this life December 14th, 1865, cause of his death old age. Buried in Grave No. 4 in County Burial Ground, Range 2. William Fisk a pauper from Dover Township was admitted June 10th, 1865. Age of said pauper 58 years. length of residence in said township 30 years. Previous habits indolent. Present condition badly crippled in one leg and entirely destitute of any means of support. Red’ by order of Ezra Goodspeed, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. William Fisk was discharged January 13th, 1866 being restored to health & by his own request. Returned October 30, 1872. William Johnson a transient pauper from Athens Township was admitted July 20th, 1865. Age of said pauper 35 years. length of residence six months. Previous habits temperate. Present condition sick and entirely destitute. Red’ by order of N. Root, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. William Johnson, colored, departed this life August the 25th, 1865. cause of death consumption on the lungs. Interred in grave No. 2 Range No. 2. Stewart Brandum a transient pauper from Lawrence County, his P.O. address when at home is Marietta, Lawrence County, Ohio. Age of said Brandum (blank) years. Previous habits unknown. He says he was out as a private in the Mexican War and was wounded. Present condition very much afflicted with fits. Re’d into the Infirmary August 3rd, 1865 by order of Ezra Goodspeed, N. Root, Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Sept. 13th, 1865; S. Brandum was discharged for disorderly conduct. Samuel Smith a pauper from Rome Township, Athens Co., Ohio was received into the Infirmary August 8th, 1865. Age 10 years, length of residence 4 months in township. Birthplace Ames township, Athens County, Ohio. Present condition destitute and not dirty, rags enough to cover himself. Red’ by order of Ezra Goodspeed, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. April 2nd, 1866. Discharged April 3rd, 1871. Returned April 1, 1872. Discharged April 14, 1872. Returned May 8th, 1872. Ran away April 2, 1876. Returned May 3rd, 1876, shot through the hand fooling with revolver. Returned July 12, 1878. Discharged August 21, 1878. Nathan Smith a pauper from Rome Township, Athens County, Ohio was received into Infirmary August 8th, 1865. Age of said Nathan 8 years. Birthplace Ames Township. Length of residence 4 months. Previous habits unknown. Present condition entirely destitute of any means of support; his Mother being dead and his Father, William Smith too indolent and lazy to support him. Red’ by order of Ezra Goodspeed, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. March 29th, 1866 Nathan Smith was bound out to William Young of Waterloo Township, Athens County, Ohio. Warren Smith a pauper from Rome Township received into the Infirmary August 8th, 1865. Age of said Warren 5 years. Birthplace Ames Township. Length of residence in Rome Township 4 months. Previous habits unknown. Present condition naked and without any means of support. Red’ by order of Ezra Goodspeed, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Living with Mr. Emery of Perry County. Thomas Smith a pauper from Rome Township was received into Infirmary August 8th, 1865. Born in Ames Township and moved to this Rome Township in March last. Present condition entirely destitute and naked. Aged 3 years. Red’ by order of Ezra Goodspeed, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Thomas Smith departed this life February 5th, 1866. Interred in grave No. 13 in Children’s Row, range 1. Cause of death, burnt. William Kilgore a pauper from Troy Township, Athens County, Ohio was admitted into the Infirmary Sept. (blank) A. D. 1865. Age of said pauper when admitted 36 years. Birthplace Ireland. Length of residence 15 years. previous habits industrious. Present condition Insane and been kept in chains the last past 20 years. Red’ by order of Elmer Rowell, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Sent to Lunatic Asylum June 8, 1874. Returned March 14, 1879. Returned to Asylum January 25th, 1887. Rebecca Bailes a pauper from Lee Township Athens County, Ohio was received into the Infirmary September 25th, twenty fifth, 1865. Age of said pauper when admitted 36 years. Birthplace Maryland. Length of residence Eleven years. previous habits good and industrious. Present condition needy and very poor health. Re;d by order of N. Root, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Rebecca Bailes departed this life January 25th, 1866. Cause of death consumption of the lungs. Interred in grave No. 5, Range 2 in County Burial Ground. Caroline H. Bailes, a pauper from Lee Township, Athens County, Ohio was admitted into the Infirmary September 25th, 1865. Age of said pauper three years. Birthplace Vinton County, Ohio. Length of residence two years. Present condition destitute and very bad health. Re’d by order of N. Root, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. (no dismissal notes) Lovina McCee (or McBee) was received into the Infirmary July 22nd, 1865 as a transient pauper from Hocking County, Ohio. Age of said Lovina McBee (or McCee) 18 years. Discharged Sept. 3rd, 1865. Catherine McCee (or McBee) was received into the Infirmary July 25th, 1865 as a pauper from Dover Township. Age of said Catherine McCee (or McBee) 40 years. Discharged Sept. 3rd. 1866. Mary Lowrey a pauper from Dover Township was received into the Infirmary Nov. 7th, 1865. Age of said Mary Lowrey 34 years. Red’ by order of Ezra Goodspeed, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Mary Lowrey left January 27th, 1866 to live with her man. Bathuel Hunley a pauper from Dover Township was received into the Infirmary Nov. 7th, 1865. Age of said Bathuel Hunley 12 years. present condition destitute. Bathuel Hunley departed this life January 15th, 1877. Cause of death whooping cough and pneumonia. Interred in grave No. 12, Children’s Row. Charles Hunley a pauper from Dover Township was received into the Infirmary Nov. 7th, 1865. Age of said Charles 6 years. Red’ by order of Ezra Goodspeed, Director. Charles Hunley departed this life January 7th, 1866. Cause of death whooping cough. Interred in grave No. 11, Children’s Row. William Bradley McDaniel a pauper from Lodi Township, an illegitimate child, was received into the Infirmary Nov. 13th, 1865. Age of said William, 6 months. November 18th, 1865, said William was taken by Misses Read of Lodi Township, By order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Sarah Rhodes a transient pauper was received into the Infirmary Nov. 13th, 1865 by order of Directors. She refuses to make known her residence. Age she says is 35 years. Present condition 6 months in pregnancy & almost helpless. February 12th, 1866 Sarah Rhodes gave birth to 2 children. 1 a male and 1 a female. The female stillborn. Interred in grave No. 13, Children’s row Range 1. Sarah Rhodes left infirmary April 1st, 1866 having been discharged. Mary Jane Fulton & infant child paupers from Athens township was received into Infirmary Dec. 9th, 1865. Age of said Mary Jane Fulton 24 years, age of infant child 5 weeks. Both mother and child in very feeble health. Red’ by order of Ezra Goodspeed, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. April 21st, 1866 Mary J. Fulton left the infirmary. (see next entry also) George Hamilton a pauper from Athens Township was received into infirmary Dec. 9th, 1865. Age of said George 4 years. Condition healthy but destitute. Red’ by order of Ezra Goodspeed, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. George Hamilton left the Infirmary in company of his Mother M. J. Fulton. Eliza Topson a colored pauper from Athens Township, Athens County, Ohio was received into the infirmary Dec. 15th, 1865. Aged 7 years, her Father having died in the Service of the U. S. present condition destitute. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Discharged May 8th, 1872. returned April 27th, 1876 in a family way. Delivered of a female child May 30th, 1876. Betty Topson a colored pauper from Athens Township was received into Infirmary Dec. 15th, 1865. Age four years. Birthplace Virginia. Present condition destitute. Red’ by order of Ezra Goodspeed, Director. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Betty Topson left infirmary April 5th, 1868 in company of her half-brother Robert Harvey. Returned July 12th, 1868. Now living with Daniel Fulton. Henry North and Electa North, paupers from Dover Township, Athens County, Ohio was (were) received into the Infirmary Nov. 13th, 1865. Age of Henry North, 61 years. Age of Electa, 55 years. Present condition very feeble and without means of support. Re’d by Order of Directors. See page 87. Hiram Fuller, Supt. February 20th, 1866, Henry North departed this life + (and) was interred in Grave No. 6, Range 2. Cause of death Lung fever. October 12, 1892, Electa North died. Interred in Infirmary Cemetery, Post 18 (This is my direct line) Rachel Steephenson a pauper from Dover Township, Athens County, Ohio was received into the Infirmary 24th November A.D. 1865. Age of said Rachel is 36 years. Present condition idiotic and very much afflicted with Rheumatism and destitute of any means of support. Re’d by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Iabey (Jabey?) Stephenson (one e) Re’d at the same time as the mother. (Illegible next sentence on this copy), …Asylum Nov. 3 18** (illegible) Joseph Conn and Mary Ann Conn his wife and 2 children Laura and an infant aged as follows, Joseph Conn 24 years, Mary Ann 29, Laura 4 years. All transient paupers from Waterloo Township, Athens Co., Ohio sent by the Trustees of Dover Township. Present condition sick and in destitute circumstances. Received by order of the Directors Nov. 19th, 1865. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Joseph Conn, Mary Ann Conn and 2 children are this 21st day of Sept. 1866 fully discharged by order of the Directors. Jane Packard a pauper from Carthage Tp., Athens Co., Ohio. Received into Infirmary December 27th, 1865. Age 58 years. Length of residence 25 years. Present condition destitute and unable to perform labor. Re’d by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Died Feb. 25th, 1979. buried in grave No. 16- Mens Row. (yes, the men's row) Matilda North, a pauper from York Township, sent by Trustees of Dover Township, February 1st, 1866. Age 21 years. Birthplace York Township. Previous habits indolent, present condition destitute. Re’d by order of Board of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Sept. 11th, 1866 Matilda North is this day discharged by the Directors. Daniel Kelly a pauper from Canaan Township was received into the Infirmary January 21st, 1866. Age 51 (or 57) years. Birthplace Ireland. Length of residence three years. Previous habits unknown. Present condition very lame shoulder and not able to labor and destitute of means of support. Hiram Fuller, Supt. April 27th, 1866~ Daniel Kelly was discharged from Infirmary by his own request. Cordelia Segler a pauper from York Township was received into the
Infirmary (illegible month written above) 21st, 1866. Age 30
years. Birthplace Hocking County, Ohio. Length of residence 10 years.
Previous habits lazy. Present condition very feeble health and without any
means of support, having a
family of 3? Children
(cut off)
Sept. 4th, 1866, Cordelia Segler was this day discharged by
order of the directors.
Margaretta Segler Leonard Segler a pauper from York Township was received into the Infirmary January 21st, 1866. Age 7 years. Birthplace York Township. Previous habits unknown. Present condition destitute. Entered by order of Infirmary Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. September 4th, 1866 discharged by order of the directors. Sally Segler a pauper from York Township was received into the Infirmary January 21st, 1866. Age 5 years. Birthplace York Township. Entirely destitute of any means of support. Entered by order of Infirmary Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Sept. 4th, 1866 discharged by order of the Directors. Sarah Culison a pauper from York Township was received into the Infirmary February 6th. 1866. Age 30 years. Birthplace Athens County, Ohio. Length of residence 30 years. Previous habits industrious. Present condition a family of 4 children and no means of support. Children received at the same time as follows: Sarah Culison, 10 years old, Dorcus, 8 years old; William H., 5 years old; and John 3 years old. Entered by order of Infirmary Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Sarah Culison left Infirmary on her own accord & is hereby discharged as for resolution of Directors, Oct. 23rd, 1866. Dorcus, Henry and John were also discharged & left with their mother, December 1st, 1866. Sarah Culison Jr. or 2 was bound out to G. W. Anderson of Ward Township, Hocking County, Ohio. Kitty Brown a transient colored pauper, formerly a slave in the State of Kentucky near Eddysville, was received into the Infirmary February 10th, 1866. Age 18 years. Length of residence in Ohio about 2 months. Previous habits industrious. Present condition blind and destitute, wife of John Brown a colored Soldier of the 13th Kentucky Regiment Infantry. Entered by order of Infirmary Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Discharged by order, June 9th, 1869. Margaret Moore a pauper from Waterloo Township was received into the Infirmary February 19th, 1866 by request of Trustees of Dover Township. Age of said Margaret Moore, 35 years. Birthplace Athens County, Ohio. Length of residence in Dover Township 2 days; in the county 35 years. previous habits unknown. Present condition destitute and homeless and in a family way. Entered by order of Infirmary Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Margaret Moore on this Tuesday April 10th, 1866 left the Infirmary with her husband Jack Moore Sept. (I’m not sure about that last word. It was on the next line and nothing else.) Mary McCullow (or McCully) a pauper from Dover Township was admitted into the Infirmary April 2nd, 1866. Aged 15 years & 8 months. Length of residence 4 years. previous habits indolent. Present condition entirely destitute. Entered by order of Infirmary Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. September 4th, 1866 this day discharged by order of the Directors. Moriah McCully a pauper from Dover Township was admitted into Infirmary April 2nd, 1866. Age 8 years. Length of residence 4 years. Previous habits unknown. Present condition destitute. Re’d by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. September 4th, Moriah McCully was discharged by directors. Mary Topson a colored pauper from Athens Township was admitted into the Infirmary April 3rd, 1866. Age 20 years. Birthplace Virginia. Length of residence 3 years. Previous habits industrious. Present condition destitute. Re’d by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. (no dismissal notes) Lucy Topson a colored pauper from Athens Township was received April 3rd, 1866. Age one year. Length of residence 1 year being an infant and of course destitute. Re’d by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Lucy Topson departed this life April 9th, 1867. Interred in grave No. 1, Children’s Row. Arsulia Gibson a pauper from Dover Township was received April 16th, 1866. Age (blank) years. Length of residence 3 years. previous habits industrious by times, & by times lazy & indolent. Present condition destitute and in a family way. Also received Laura, a daughter of the above Arsulia, age (blank) years. Re’d by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Arsulia gave birth to a male child April 16th, 1866 and named him (blank). October 23rd, 1866 fully discharged. William Smith a pauper from Rome Township was received into the Infirmary April 17th, 1866. Age 48 years. Birthplace State of Pennsylvania. Length of residence 6 years. Previous habits Idle. Present condition has the Pox bad and entirely destitute of any means of support. Re’d by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Sept. 4th, 1866 this day discharged by the Directors. Barbary A. Smith and Child, paupers from Trimble Township was received into the Infirmary April 21st, 1866. Age 22 years. Child 20 months. Length of residence 6 years. Previous habits laborer on farm. Present condition destitute. See page 6. Re’d by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Barbary Smith’s child died of lung fever May 22nd, 1866. Interred in grave No. 11 Child’s Row. July 5th, 1866 Barbary Smith was discharged in good health. Approved Sept. 4th, 1866. Susan Tippie a pauper from Ames Township was received into the Infirmary June 3rd, 1866. Age 81 years. Length of residence 60 years. Previous habits good. Present condition destitute and very infirm. Re’d by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Susan Tippie departed this life November 28th, 1867. Interred in grave No. 16, Range No. 2. Cause of her death Old age. Jane Jones a pauper from Athens township was received into the Infirmary July 9th, A.D. 1866 by order of the Trustees of Athens Township. Age 23 years. Also her son Franklin Jones, 3 years old. Both colored & sick. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Jane Jones and her son are discharged by order of Directors. Joseph Culison a pauper from York Township. Age of said pauper 28 years. Length of residence 28 years. Birthplace York Township, Athens County, Ohio. Previous habits not good. Present condition entirely destitute, his eyes very sore, and no friends that will give him support. Re’d by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Received July 20th, 1866. August 9th, 1866 Joseph Cullison was discharged from Infirmary by V. O. of P. Hixon, Director, for bad conduct to vit intimacy with idiotic women. Approved by full board Sept. 4th, 1866. (notes below) Joseph Cullison, above specified, was received into the Infirmary the 2nd time August 13th, 1866 by order of Ezra Goodspeed, Director. August 16th, 1866 Joseph Cullison was discharged by Mr. Peter Hixon, Director for disorderly conduct. Hiram Fuller, Supt. September 3rd, 1866, the directors this day do fully discharged the above Joseph Cullison from the Infirmary for disorderly conduct and fully approve of discharged made by Mr. P. Hixon on the 9th of August, 1866; and Superintendent on the 16th, 1866. Catherine Callentine a pauper from Canaan Township Athens County, Ohio was received into the infirmary July 18th, 1866. Age of said Catherine 52 years. Birthplace Scotland. Length of residence one year. Present condition utterly destitute of even the common necessities of life. Catherine Callentine left the Infirmary July 10th, 1867. (see below entry) Also at the same time received into the Infirmary the following children of the above Catherine Callentine, to vit; John, age 14 years, Lydia A., age 8 years; Samuel, age 4 years; and Henry, age 2 years. Birthplace of above children Athens County, Ohio. Re’d by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. These children left with their Father & Mother July 10, 1867. Peter Hixon Callentine a pauper from Canaan Township, Athens County, Ohio was received into the Infirmary August 7th, 1877. Age of said Peter 55 years. Length of residence in said township one year. Previous habits very indolent. Present condition entirely destitute and sick. Hiram Fuller, Supt. July 10th, 1867 Peter Callentine left Infirmary. Mary Ann Benjamin a pauper from Dover Township, Athens County, Ohio was received into the Infirmary Sept. 7th, 1866. Age of said Mary Ann 24 years. Length of residence in the county 24 years. Previous habits bad. Present condition destitute. Re’d by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Nov. 16th, 1866 Mary A. Benjamin departed this life. Cause of death Typhoid fever. Interred in grave No. 9, Range 2. Newton Shannon a pauper from York Township, Athens County, Ohio was received into the Infirmary September 15th, 1866. Age of said Newton Shannon 50 years. Birthplace Ohio. Length of residence in Township 20 years. Previous habits very irregular. Present condition very poor and in a helpless condition. Re’d by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Newton Shannon departed this life November 27th, 1867 was taken away by his brother John Shannon and interred in the family burial ground near John Shannon’s. Cause of his death Ciphlifit Palsy. Malissa Shannon a pauper from York Township was received into the Infirmary Sept. 15th, 1866. Age of said Malissa 21 years. Birthplace York Township, Athens County, Ohio. Length of residence 21 years. Previous habits Indolent and lazy. Present condition very poor and destitute. Re’d by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. (no dismissal notes) Mary Ann Rohorick a pauper from Athens Township, also her child, 3 years old, was received into Infirmary Sept. 27th, 1866. Age of said Mary Ann 23 years. Birthplace Athens County, Ohio. Length of residence from birth. Previous habits bad, could not be worse. Present condition destitute. Re’d by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. (No dismissal notes) Henry Topson, colored, a pauper from Athens Township was received into Infirmary October 11th, 1866, age 15 years. Birthplace West Virginia. Previous habits as good as colored boys generally. Present condition sick and destitute. Re’d by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. October 13th, 1866 ran away. P. F. Pike ( Perley F. according to index) a pauper from Ames Township, Athens County, Ohio was received into the Infirmary September 25th, 1866. Age of said Pike 72 years. Birthplace State of Massachusetts. Length of residence in Athens County, Ohio 25 years. Previous habits some what dissipated. Present condition very poor and in feeble health. Re’d by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. January 3rd, 1867 P. F. Pike was discharged by the Directors. Margarett Callentine "2" (marked above name- probably means 2nd admittance) a transient pauper from Athens Township was received into the Infirmary October 9th, 1866. Age of Margarett 21 years. length of residence 21 years. Present condition sick and when well, indolent and lazy. Also her child Tobitha age 4 years, born in Athens County, Ohio, being an illegitimate child. Re’d by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Margarett Calentine was discharged from infirmary. Also her daughter Tobitha they being restored to good health July 10th, 1867. Mary Jane McCully a pauper from Dover Township was received into the Infirmary October 26th, 1866. Age of Mary Jane 15 years. Birthplace unknown. Length of residence 4 years. Previous habits very bad. Present condition sick and destitute of any means of support. Re’d by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. June 9th, 1867 Mary Jane McCully left infirmary in good health. Martha Prunty a pauper from Waterloo Township was received into the Infirmary Nov. 3rd, 1866. Age of Martha 25 years. Birthplace Virginia. Length of residence, Length in the Township 15 years. Previous habits unknown. Present condition pregnant. Re’d by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Martha Prunty gave birth to a female child this 19th day of April, 1867. Laurence Dooley a pauper from Rome Township was received into Infirmary Nov. 26th, 1866. Age of Laurence 38 years. Birthplace Ireland. Length of residence in Athens County (blank) years. Previous habits Intemperate. Present condition right leg broken and helpless and entirely destitute. Re’d by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Laurence Dooley left Infirmary this 19th day of April 1867 being fully restored. John Shrigley a pauper from Rome Township, Athens County, State of Ohio was admitted into the Infirmary Dec. 7th, A.D. 1866. Age of John 75 years. Birthplace State of Maryland. Previous habits temperate and industrious. Present condition not able to work to maintain himself, nearly naked and entirely destitute means of support. Re’d by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Died October 15th, 1873. Interred in grave No. 15. range 3. Jacob Logan a pauper from Alexander Township, Athens County, Ohio was admitted into Infirmary Dec. 7th, A.D. 1866. Age of said Jacob 20 years. Birthplace Alexander Township. Length of residence in the township 6 years. Previous habits civil but indolent. Present condition very low with consumption of the lungs and without and means of support. Re’d by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. January 22nd, 1867 Jacob Logan died of consumption of the lungs. Buried in County Burial Ground Range 2, Grave No. 10. Morilla Sharp a pauper from Athens Township and State of Ohio was received into the Infirmary Dec. 8th, 1866. Age of Morilla 25 years. Birthplace Holmes County, State of Ohio. Length of residence 7 years. previous habits not good. Present condition bad with Syphilis. Re’d by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. February 2nd, 1867 this day Morilla Sharp is discharged being fully restored to health. Catherine McCee (or McBee) a pauper from Dover Township, Athens County, Ohio was admitted into Infirmary Dec. 20th, 1866 A.D. Age of said Catherine 40 years. Birthplace State of New York. Length of residence in Athens County, Ohio 35 years. Previous habits indolent and lazy. Present condition destitute and very infirm. Re’d by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Catherine McC. Departed this life May 7th, 1867. Interred in burial ground grave No. 13, Range No. 2. Men’s Row. Cause of death consumption. Lovina McCee (or Mcbee) a pauper from Dover Township Athens County & State of Ohio was received into the Infirmary December 20th, 1866. Age of Lovina 19 years. Birthplace Dover Township, Athens County and State of Ohio. Length of residence 19 years. previous habits indolent. Present condition destitute. Received by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. (no dismissal notes)Sarah Flowers a pauper from Dover Township, Athens County, Ohio was admitted into Infirmary December 20th, 1866. Age of said Sarah 26 years. Birthplace Dover Township. Length of residence in Athens County 26 years. Previous habits indolent and lazy. Present condition pregnant and destitute. Received by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. January 31st, 1867 Sarah Flowers gave birth to a still child a boy. Discharged March 19th, 1868. George, Malinda and Silas Flowers, paupers from Dover Township, Athens County, Ohio were received into the Infirmary December 20th, 1866. Ages of said paupers; George 8, Malinda 8 and Silas 2 years old. Birthplace Athens County, Ohio. Length of residence uncertain. Previous habits unknown. Present condition destitute. Received by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. George Flowers died April 6th, 1867 and was interred in grave No 12 range No. 2, Men’s row. Cause of death Inflammation on the brain. (no other dismissal notes given) William Smith a pauper from Bern Township Athens County, Ohio was admitted into the Infirmary September 26th, 1866. Age of said Smith 55 years. Birthplace State of Pennsylvania. Residence in Ames township 8 to 10 years. Previous habits are universally bad. Present condition, very bad with bloody flux and nearly naked and entirely without means of support. Received by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. January 21st, 1867 William Smith was discharged from the infirmary being restored to health. John Dee a pauper from Athens Township, Athens County, Ohio, was admitted into the Infirmary December 24th, A.D. 1866. Age of said John Dee 50 years. Birthplace Ireland. Residence in Ohio some 10 years. previous habits intemperate. Present condition he has the chronic syphilis or pox very bad and without means of support. Received by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. April 19th, 1867 John Dee left Infirmary to live with his daughter at Savannah. April 24th John Dee returned. March 7th, 1868 left the Infirmary and returned March 22nd. Discharged in full (Nov 12, 1868 crossed out) April 25th, 1870. Jacob Six a pauper from Lodi Township was received into the Infirmary January 23rd, 1867. Age of said Jacob Six 14 years. Length of residence in Athens County 14 years. Previous habits not good. Present condition destitute. Received by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Returned to Infirmary March 2, 1871. George Fulton a pauper from Athens Township, Athens County, Ohio was admitted into the Infirmary February 6th, 1867. Age of said George 6 years. Birthplace Athens County, Ohio. Length of residence in the county from time of his birth. Previous habits not found. Present condition destitute. Received by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Discharged & taken away by his grandmother May 29th, 1868. Returned June 30th, 1868. (See bottom page 133) Emma Baker a pauper from Rome Township Athens County, Ohio was received into the Infirmary February 5th, 1867. Age of Emma 22 years. Birthplace Circleville, Ohio (Pickaway County). Length of residence in Rome Township eight months. Previous habits, judged to be vicious and idle. Present condition destitute. Received by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Emma Baker ran away from infirmary this 15th day of April 1867. George Fulton a pauper from Athens Township, Athens County, Ohio, February 6th, 1867. Age of said George 6 years. Birthplace Athens County, Ohio. Present condition entirely destitute. Received by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. (no dismissal notes) Sarah Dunlap (cut off) a pauper from York Township, Athens County, Ohio (see microfilm, cut off here on mine). Previous habits not reported by the trustees of York Tp. Present condition very poor. Also her 5 children, Namely Lucy aged 10 years, Elias 13, Benjamin 8, Elizabeth 7, and Lewis 3 years all being destitute any means of support all born in Athens County, Ohio. Re’d by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Discharged by Directors (cutoff) 1868 **(She must have been received prior to listing below her, January 21, 1867)* Erastus Washburn a pauper from York Township, Athens County was received by directors of the Infirmary, January 21st, 1867 as an absent pauper. Now in the Summit County Infirmary, Ohio. Very sick and unable to be moved at present. Age of said pauper 75 years. Length of residence in the Tp., 8 years. Previous habits good. Present condition very feeble health and very poor. Re’s April 25th, 1867. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Discharged by order of Directors Sept. 1, 1868. returned to the Infirmary Oct. 15, 1867. Died Nov. 20 1869. Interred in grave No. 24, Range 2 Matilda North, a pauper from York Township, Athens County, Ohio was received into the Infirmary Mar. (or May) 27, A.D. 1867. Age 20 years. Length of residence 20 years. Previous habits trifling? (hard to read), Present condition, sick and destitute. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Discharged by order of Directors Sept. 1, 1868. Returned to the Infirmary Oct. 15, 1869. Died Nov. 20, 1869. Interred in grave No. 24, Range 2. Charles Francis a pauper from Athens Township, Ohio, was received into the Infirmary May 29th, 1867. Age of said pauper 45 years. Length of residence not made known. Previous habits intemperate. Present condition very insane cause by drinking spirituous liquors to excess and entirely destitute of any means of support. Received by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. June 3rd, Charles Francis (discharged) by order of Directors. Returned Jan. 6th, 1875. Died October 16th, 1875. Interred in grave No. 28 of Range No. 3.William Keys and Lydia Keys his wife and her son John Arnold were received into the Infirmary January 5th, 1867 from Ames Township, Athens County, Ohio. Aged as follows; William 45, Lydia 35, John 7 years. Birthplace of William Keys, Pennsylvania; Lydia and her son, Ohio. Length of residence of William Keys 6 months, Lydia 35, and John her son 7 years. Present condition entirely destitute. William Keys insane. Lydia very low with prolapsus of the womb. Received by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. William Keys left May 3rd, 1867. (no other dismissal notes) Benjamin Morgan a pauper from Trimble Township, Athens County, Ohio, was admitted into the Infirmary June the 9th, A. D. 1867. Age of said pauper when admitted, said by Mr. Blackwood, a trustee of said Trimble Township, to be 108 years. Length of residence 2 years in said township. Birthplace the state of Pennsylvania. Previous habits not given. Present condition very feeble. Received by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Died February 21, 1871. Interred in grave No. 31 of Range 2. Mary Ellen Richardson left Infirmary without leave July 23rd, 1866 (written over top of 1867). Returned September 27th, 1866 in a family way by one Solomon North so she says. The said Mary Ellen gave birth to 2 female children June 9th, 1867 and called them Ninny & Minney. October 12th, 1867 Ninny died and interred in grave No. 20, Children’s Row, Range 1. Mary Ellen died December 22, 1874. Interred in Grave No. 20, Range No. 3. (side notes as follows…) Female child born March 8th, 1870, she says it is Lew Stalter’s (or Stalder’s). See page 30. Left without leave September 11, 1871. Returned Jan. 2, 1872. Delivered of a female child June 15th, 1872, colored. Jonathan McCariher a transient pauper from Alegania County, State of Pennsylvania was received into the Infirmary November 5th, by order of the Trustees of Athens Township. Also by order of Mr. Ezra Goodspeed, one of the Directors. Birthplace of said pauper State of Pennsylvania. Age 23 years. Previous habits very bad. Present condition entirely destitute, badly bruised up by a fall through the trussell of M. C. RR (railroad?) near Big Run. Also that he is Insane from the effects of too free a use of intoxicating drinks, all of the foregoing is the confession of the said Johnathan McCariher, the pauper. November 29th, 1867 said Jonathan went away in company with his brother Samuel McCariher being restored to health. M. M. & Bessy Richardson was sent to the imbecile asylum February 20th, 1880. Philip Huff and family on complaint of Trustees of Dover Tp. Was received and temporary relief afforded by the Trustees of Dover Tp. By order of Directors of Infirmary. Hiram Fuller, Supt.Martha Waterhouse a pauper of Athens Township on complaint of the Trustees of Athens Tp. That she was sick and unable to be moved to Infirmary there upon the directors of the Infirmary issued their order, directed to the Trustees to afford to said Martha Watterhouse such relief as her condition required. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Catherine North, and her 2 children Emma and Laura, pauper from York Township was received into the Infirmary April 13, A.D. 1867. Age of said paupers, 41, 3, and one year. Birthplace Athens County, Ohio. Length of residence, 41 years, 3 years, and one year. Previous habits industrious. Present condition destitute and helpless. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Discharged March 9, 1871 ( I'm looking for more info on her, please email me at Julie@juliesgenealogy.com ) William Secoy a pauper from Ames Tp. Was received into the Infirmary August 30th. 1867. Age 10 years. Birthplace Ames Tp., Athens Co., Ohio. Length of residence 10 years. Previous habits good. Present condition very needy. Re’d by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. August 30th, 1867, bound out to Lewis Robinson of Ames Tp., Athens County, Ohio. Mary Ann Balis a pauper from Canaan Township, Athens County, Ohio was admitted into the Infirmary August 30th, 1867. Aged 15 years. Birthplace, Athens County. Length of residence 8 years. Previous habits straggling from place to place. Present condition destitute. Received by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Serving with Mr. Walsh of….(faded away)Sarah and Mary Hunter, paupers from Lodi Township were received into the Infirmary October 31st, 1867. Ages 47 and 17 years. Length of residence 47 and 17 years. Birthplace, Athens Co., Ohio. Previous habits rambling from house to house. Present condition destitute and Mary Jane in a family way. Received by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. (no dismissal or birth notes) John H. Williams, a pauper from Athens Township was admitted into the Infirmary Nov. 2nd, 1867. Age of said pauper 65 years. Birthplace State of New Jersey. Length of residence in Athens Township, 8 years. previous habits industrious, though intemperate. Present condition needy, has been sick, and now not able to work. Received by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Discharged by Directors June 20th, 1868. Died March 7th, 1874. Interment in grave No. 17, Range 3. Joseph Cullison a pauper from York Township, Athens County, Ohio was admitted into the Infirmary December 13th, 1867. Age 26 years. Birthplace York Township, Athens County, Ohio. Length of residence in Athens County 26 years. previous habits rather loose and trifling. Present condition poor & destitute and very near blind with syphilis sore eyes. Received by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Left infirmary April 7, 1868 by consent of Superintendent & discharged October 6, 1868. Abram Reeves a colored pauper from Athens Township was received into the Infirmary Dec. 2nd, 1867. Age about 50 years. Birthplace Virginia. Length of residence in this county two years. Previous habits quite industrious. Present condition has been very sick. Bordering on insanity. Received by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Discharged same time (doesn’t say same time as what). Returned Nov. 4th, 1881. Sarah Ann Craig a pauper from York Township, Athens County, Ohio was admitted into the Infirmary Dec. 6th, 1867. Age 22 years. Birthplace York Township, Athens County, Ohio. Length of residence 22 years. Previous habits unsteady. Present condition pregnant and destitute. Received by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Sarah A. Craig was delivered of a female child April 1, A. D. 1868. Discharged By Directors April 3, 1869. Returned sick by order May 10, 1871. Sarah A. Craig taken away by her Aunt Purdee July 1, 1871. March 14, 1872 Lizzie Craig (the daughter?) taken by Mrs. Powell. John Holt a pauper was received Dec. 14th, 1867. Birthplace Manchester, England. Aged 52 years, a transient as he says without a residence in U. S. of America, being a wounded Soldier of Sherman’s Brigade, entirely destitute. Received by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Discharged. Michael Fox a pauper from Athens Township, Athens, Ohio, was received December 30th, 1867. Age 50 years. Birthplace Ireland. Length of residence 17 years. Previous habits industrious. Present condition destitute and very infirm. Received by order of Directors. Hiram Fuller, Supt. Michael Fox died February 5th, 1868. Interred in grave No. 18, Range 2. Cause of death gravel and inflammation of the bladder. (kidney or bladder stones?) Catharine & Mary Gibson paupers from Waterloo Township, Athens County, Ohio was received March 5th, 1868. Ages 65 and 42 years. Birthplaces Pennsylvania And Ohio. Length of residence, 60 and 42 years. previous habits good & honorable. Present condition suffering. Received by order of Directors. Jack Sanders, Supt. Catharine left the Infirmary April 9th, 1868 being fully discharged. Mary died February 14th, 1882. Cause of death; fits. Lydia Kidwiler a pauper from Athens Township, Athens County, Ohio was received January 4, 1868, age 77 years. Birthplace State of Virginia. Length of residence in this State 50 years. Previous habits good so far as known. Present condition destitute. Received by order of Directors. Jack Sanders, Supt. Died June 12, 1868 and interred in grave No. 20, Range No. 2. Cause of death general debility.
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