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Athens County Home Register, Volume 1, 1857-1884 Pages 200-end These records are transcribed from microfilm. I have done my best to transcribe exactly as written. Any notes of my own or possible transcriptions will be contained in ( ). Please check the film yourself to confirm actual record. Some obvious misspellings have been corrected but Names are transcribed exactly as written. As always, refer to the original microfilm for certainty. This microfilm can be found at the Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio. Use the "find" feature of your browser to search more quickly When a name is spelled differently in the SAME entry, the new spelling is also bolded. ©Julie Lynn North, January 2003-2005
Elizabeth Robinson was admitted into the Infirmary August 2, 1876 by order of the Trustees of Bern Township. Age 85 years. Birthplace, State of Maryland. Length of residence a number of years. Present condition cannot walk from injuries received by a fall. By Order; Jack Sanders, Supt. Died Sept. 14, 1876. Interred in Grave No. 2 of Range 5. Jacob Richardson "colored" from Athens Township was admitted into the Infirmary August 21, 1876. Birthplace Richmond, Virginia. Length of residence in Athens County 1 month. Present condition had small pox before being sent to infirmary. Age 21 years. By Order; Jack Sanders, Supt. Discharged Sept. 11, 1876. Charles N. Manley an illegitimate child from Lee Township was admitted into the Infirmary August 28, 1876. Age 7 months. Abandoned by his mother Hariet Manley. By Order; Jack Sanders, Supt. Sent to the (Children’s) Home January 12, 1882. James W. Frisk from Bern Township was admitted into the Infirmary September 1, 1876. Age 32 years. Birthplace Cincinnati, Ohio. Length of residence in Township 14 months. Condition, not able to support himself. By Order; Jack Sanders, Supt. (No dismissal notes) Hannah Holcomb was admitted into the Infirmary by order of Trustees of York Township Sept. 4, 1876. Also received her five children. Hannah, age 51 years. Condition very destitute. By Order; Jack Sanders, Supt. (No dismissal notes) Alexander Brown from Canaan Township was admitted into the Infirmary Sept. 4, 1876. Age 6 years. Birthplace Canaan Township. Present condition destitute. By Order; Jack Sanders, Supt. (No Dismissal notes) Michael Hogan from Athens Township was admitted into the Infirmary Sept. 20, 1876. Birthplace Germany. Place of Residence Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. A tramp. By Order; Jack Sanders, Supt. Discharged October 11, 1876. Mary Williams and her four children were admitted into the Infirmary from Canaan Township October 5, 1876. Birthplace Pennsylvania. Residence two years. Condition destitute. By Order; Jack Sanders, Supt. Discharged October 23, 1876. Returned October 23, 1876. Returned October 28, 1876. Discharged April 7, 1877. Returned June 20, 1877. Went away July 1, 1877. Returned Nov. 1, 1877. Discharged April 10, 1878. Returned May 9, 1878. Mrs. Gardner and her four children from Alexander Township were admitted into the Infirmary October 11, 1876. Condition, destitute. By Order; Jack Sanders, Supt. Discharged October 23, 1876. Returned 28 (no month given), 1876. Discharged April 12, 1877. Gardner and family. 6 returned February 9, 1878. Discharged Mar. 28, 1878. Returned December 10, 1879. Discharged February 26, 1880 (or 1883). Elmira Johnson from Dover Township was admitted into the Infirmary October 11, 1876. Birthplace Nelsonville, Athens County, Ohio. Present condition pregnant. By Order; Jack Sanders, Supt. Went away to get married October 1, 1877. Returned Dec. 16, 1878. Discharged April 21, 1879. Isaac Six from Athens Township was admitted into the Infirmary October 12, 1876. Has a legal residence in Athens Township. Present condition convalescent after having typhoid fever. By Order; Jack Sanders, Supt. Discharged Nov. 9, 1876. Robert Fulton from Athens Township was admitted into the Infirmary October 21, 1876. Age not given. Present condition destitute. By Order; Jack Sanders, Supt. (no dismissal notes) Josaphine Nanna aged 37 and child aged 8 years from York Township were admitted into the Infirmary October 27, 1876. Birthplace York Township. Length of residence from birth. Previous habits unknown. Condition (of) Mother, pregnant. By Order; Jack Sanders, Supt. Delivered of a female child Nov. 30, 1876. Hester Higgins aged 22 years & her two children were admitted into the Infirmary by order of Directors November 28, 1876. Birthplace & residence Perry County, Ohio. Present condition destitute. By Order; Jack Sanders, Supt. Sent to Perry County Infirmary December 11, 1876. Patrick Obonard ( Conard or Leonard) from Troy Township was admitted into the Infirmary Dec. 1, 1876. Age 78 years. Birthplace Ireland. Length of residence 6 years. Condition destitute of any means of support. By Order; Jack Sanders, Supt. Died Sept. 28, 1878. taken away by the Priest. Mrs. Blankenship & 4 children "colored" were admitted into the Infirmary by order of Trustees of Athens Township, December 6, 1876. By Order; Jack Sanders, Supt. Mrs. Blankenship died February 25, 1877. Interred in grave No. 7, Range No. 5. Mary Blankenship runaway May 29, 1878. Henry & Nel (or Net) discharged June 1, 1881. Mary Persons by the same papers and at the same time as the above (Dec. 6, 1876) was admitted being pregnant age 19 years. By Order; Jack Sanders, Supt. Delivered of a female child June 16, 1876. Child died January 19, 1877. Buried in Children’s Row. Discharged (mother) April 26, 1878. Returned June 10, 1878. Discharged June 12, 1879. Sarah Hall age 27 years and her child aged 1 year were admitted into the Infirmary December 6, 1876 by Trustees of York Township, her legal residence. Previous habits good so far as known. By Order; Jack Sanders, Supt. Child taken away by it’s Father Dec. 27, 1876. Discharged February 3, 1877. Jacob Green from troy Township was admitted into the Infirmary December 30, 1876. Age 64 years. Birthplace Onondaga County, New York. IN Township two years. Habits good. Condition feeble. By Order; Jack Sanders, Supt. Died April 26, 1889. Paralysis. Interred in Infirmary Cemetery April 27, 1889. Jacob Gates from Canaan Township was admitted into the Infirmary January 4, 1877. Age 37 years. Birthplace Virginia. In Township 4 years. Previous habits lazy. Present condition sick with rheumatism. By Order; Jack Sanders, Supt. Discharged February 11, 1877. Returned March 18, 1877. Discharged March 26, 1878. James O’Neal from Athens Township was admitted into the Infirmary January 17, 1877. Age 30 years, and Irish tramp & sick. By Order; Jack Sanders, Supt. Discharged February 3, 1877. Henry Perry from Canaan Township was admitted into the Infirmary January 18, 1877. Age 34 years. Birthplace Athens County, Ohio. Condition, consumption. By Order; Jack Sanders, Supt. Died March 16, 1877. Interred in grave No. 8 Range No. 5. David Cook from Alexander Township was admitted into the Infirmary January 19, 1877. Age 78 years. Birthplace Washington County, Pennsylvania. Residence in Township 45 years. Habits good. Condition feeble. By Order; Jack Sanders, Supt. Died June 17, 1878. Interred in Grave No __, Range No. __. Stephen Swett received into Infirmary January 29, 1877. No Particulars given. (See?) Page 208. Jack Sanders, Supt. Discharged February 17, 1877 & returned June 1, 1878. Discharged April 1st, 1879. Returned December 16, 1879. Lucretia Chalker from Carthage Township was admitted into the Infirmary February 6, 1877. Age 35 years. Birthplace Alexander Township, Athens County. 23 years (residence) in Township. Previous habits industrious. Condition, nervous. By order, Jack Sanders, Supt. Discharged February 27, 1877. Returned May 5th, 1877. Discharged June 28, 1877. Returned July 10, 1877. Discharged March 28, 1878. Armstead Alexander sent from Marion County Infirmary, with leg broken. Formerly of Troy Township. Age, 18 years. Condition, still lame. By order, Jack Sanders, Supt. Left of his own account May 8th, 1877. Daniel Ryan was admitted into the Infirmary by order of the trustees of Dover Township on the 24th of March, 1877. Birthplace not known. Place of residence Marion County, Ohio. Condition destitute, health feeble. Age 18 years. R. A. Davis, Supt. Daniel Ryan died April 21, 1877 of quick consumption. Buried in Range No. 5, grave No. ?. Phebe Cronkhite was admitted into the Infirmary May 4th, 1877 by order of the Trustees of Carthage Township. She was born in New Jersey. Residence in Carthage Township 18 years. Habits industrious. Age 82 years & infirm. R. A. Davis, Supt. Died July 2, 1877. Emeretta Gates, wife of Jacob Gates and four small children were admitted into the Infirmary May 8th, 1877 by order of the Trustees of Canaan Township on the aged about 30 years. Birthplace Meigs County. Habits industrious. Condition destitute. R. A. Davis, Supt. Thomas Smith was admitted into the Infirmary April 12, 1877 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Birthplace Providence County, Radiland. (the word ‘Radiland’ is clear, but could mean Rhode Island). Residence in York Township 14 years. Age 57 years. Condition harty (hardy) & said to be lazy. By order, R. A. Davis, Supt. Died December 18, 1880. Taken away by his friends & buried at Amesville. Philip Six from York Township was admitted into the Infirmary April 16, 1877. Aged 47 years. Birthplace Athens County. Habits industrious. Condition destitute & helpless on act of rheumatism. R. A. Davis, Supt. Six died August 14, 1878. Took away by friends. John R. Green, a transient man aged 32 years from Boston was admitted into the Infirmary by order of the Trustees of Dover Township about the 25th of May, 1877. Condition a very sore leg from stepping in a salt kettle. R. A. Davis, Supt. Discharged about the first of July 1877. G. W. Chalker was admitted into the Infirmary June 8, 1877 from Carthage (township). Was a resident of that Township for 26 years. Aged 66 years. Birthplace Pennsylvania. He was an honorably upright industrious man. R. A. Davis, Supt. (No dismissal notes) Almira Chalker was admitted into the Infirmary June 8th, 1877 by order of the Trustees of Carthage Township. 52 years old. Length of residence in said township 7 years. Birthplace New York. Industrious habits. R. A. Davis, Supt. Discharged June 4, 1879. Returned Nov. 20, 1880. Discharged June 10, 1881. Jasper Carter a colored pauper was admitted into the Infirmary June 9th, 1877 by order of the Trustees of waterloo Township. He was born in West Virginia. Length of residence in said township 8 years. Habits industrious. Condition, dropsy. R. A. Davis, Supt. Died August 22, 1877. Stephen Smith was admitted into the Infirmary June 13th, 1877 by order of the trustees of Ames Township at her own request. No Particulars given except age of 66 years & birthplace Clermont County, Ohio. R. A. Davis, Supt. Discharged July 2, 1878. Returned Sept. 2, 1878. Cynthia An Hammond and 2 children Mary E. & Isaiah Hammond were admitted to the Infirmary June 13, 1877 by order of the Trustees of Trimble Township. The said Cynthia was born in Monroe County, Ohio & is 45 years old & has been a resident of Athens County for 3 years. Mary E. is 9 years, Isaiah is 6 years. Mrs. Hammond is subject to fits and spasms. R. A. Davis, Supt. Cintha Rutter died January 7, 1878 & her children were taken away by their Father. George Bucannon, a pauper from Rome Township was admitted into the Infirmary July 9, 1877. Residence in said township 15 years. Age 23 years. Birthplace Morgan County, Ohio. Condition idiotic & has fits. Condition destitute. BY order of Trustees, R. A. Davis, Supt. Discharged June 4, 1879. Taken home by his mother October 1st, 1890. Amanda Bucannon a pauper from Rome Township was admitted into the Infirmary July 9th, 1877. Birthplace Athens County, Ohio. Age 15 years. Condition, simple. By order of trustees. R. A. Davis, Supt. Discharged June 4, 1879. (Could be Jan. instead of June) Anna Spauge (Sprague?) was admitted into the Infirmary July 10, 1877 by order of B. C. Lefever from York Township. Age 23 years. Residence in County 13 years. Condition pregnant. R. A. Davis, Supt. Delivered of a female child July 28, 1877. Went away of her own accord October 5, 1877. Henry Flowers a child 3 years old was admitted into the Infirmary July 15th, 1877 by order of Trustees of Athens Township. R. A. Davis, Supt. Taken away by his Mother October 7, 1878. Returned March 31, 1879. Died August 27, 1879. Josep (Joseph?) Smith a colored man 45 years old from Waterloo Township was admitted into the Infirmary July 18, 1877 by order of the Trustees. He was born in Petersburg, West Virginia & has been a resident of said township none years. Habits industrious. Condition subject to fits monthly. R. A. Davis, Supt. Died December 5, 1888 with Dropsy. Sick about 3 weeks. Buried in Infirmary Cemetery. Elizabeth Buckhannan aged 24 years, a resident of Rome Township was admitted to the Infirmary July 31st, 1877. Birthplace Morgan County. She has been a residence of Rome Township 10 years. Habits bad. Destitute and pregnant. BY order of Trustees, R. A. Davis, Supt. Delivered of a female child August 31 (or 1), 1877. Discharged March 15, 1878. Sarah Lenallen and 5 children were admitted into the Infirmary July 20, 1877 by the Infirmary Directors of Vinton County, formally from this County. Been in Vinton County 11 months. Habits bad. Condition sick. R. A. Davis, Supt. Were discharged September 1, 1877. Mrs. Coteral, 2 children were admitted to the Infirmary August 14, 1877 by order of the Directors, being in Vinton County. Habits industrious, a little simple & subject to fits. Age 33 years. By order, R. A. Davis, Supt. Went away of her own accord September 15, 1877. her husband took her away. Sarah Waltonburgh was admitted to the Infirmary September 11, 1877 by the Supt. Of the Hocking County Infirmary. Age 22. A resident of York Township. Parents are dead. Birthplace not known. Condition pregnant. R. A. Davis, Supt. Taken away by her sister September 26, 1877. Sarah Prunter was received into the Infirmary by consent of the Directors September 1, 1877, having no home & being unwell. Birthplace Waterloo Township. R. A. Davis, Supt. (No dismissal notes) John Clark was admitted into the Infirmary by order of the Trustees of York township on the 20th day of September 1877. A transient man says he is from Indianapolis, Indiana. Habits said to be good, aged about 28 & sick. R. A. Davis, Supt. Went away of his own accord September 26. (no year). Cornelius Butler was admitted to the infirmary Sept 24th, 1877 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Birthplace & residence not known. Transient. R. A. Davis, Supt. Went away of his own accord Dec. 1 (or 10)(no year given). Em (Emily) Skiver & 2 children were admitted to the Infirmary October 8, 1877 from York Township. Her age 30 years. Children ages 4 years & 2 years. R. A. Davis, Supt. Discharged March 20, 1878. Earl Rutter & Perkins Rutter & Joseph Alma Rutter were received into the Infirmary October 17, 1877 from Trimble Township by order of the Trustees. Their ages are 11, 7 & 5 years. They (are) supposed to be sons of Enoch Rutter. They were born in Trimble Township. R. A. Davis, Supt. Discharged April 17, 1878. Perkins & Joseph returned May 1st, 1878. Perkins and Joseph & Della was sent to the (Children’s) Home January 12, 1882. Russell Palk was admitted into the Infirmary October 18, 1877 b y order of the Trustees of Dover Township. Aged 18. Habits indolent & trifling. Condition sore ankle. R. A. Davis, Supt. Discharged Nov. 1, 1877. H. C. Williams and family was admitted into the Infirmary November 3, 1877 by order of the Trustees of Athens Township. A transient man, age not known. Also habits (not known). R. A. Davis, Supt. Discharged November 8, 1877. Returned September 14, 1880. John Dugan was admitted into the Infirmary Nov. 9th, 1877 by order of the Trustees of York Township, Being transient. No particulars given. R. A. Davis, Supt. (no dismissal notes) John Smith was admitted into the Infirmary November 9, 1877 by order of the Trustees of York Township. He being a transient man, no particulars given. R. A. Davis, Supt. John Discharged December 10, 1877. Charles H. Young was admitted in the Infirmary November 9, 1877 by the order of the Trustees of York Township. Being a transient man, no particulars given. R. A. Davis, Supt. Was sent to the Soldiers’ Home by the Directors, December 13, 1877. James King was admitted into the Infirmary Nov. 10, 1877 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Being a transient, no particulars except Ague (an illness) and birthplace Ireland. R. A. Davis, Supt. Were discharged December 28, 1877. (James King and James Welch, next entry, were admitted and released at the same time) James Welch was admitted into the Infirmary November 10, 1877 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Aged 63 years. Condition sick with the Ague. R. A. Davis, Supt. Were discharged December 28, 1877. (James Welch and James King, previous entry, were admitted and released at the same time) Richard Enright was admitted into the Infirmary November 10, 1877 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Aged 29 years. Birthplace Ireland. Transient. R. A. Davis, Supt. Was discharged December 19, 1877. Came back on warrant January 24, 1878. James Kelly was admitted into the Infirmary November 9, 1877. By order of the Trustee. Age 37. Born in Ireland. Condition Ague. NO residence. R. A. Davis, Supt. (No dismissal notes) Pat Ferrel was admitted into the Infirmary November 25, 1877 by order of the Trustees of Athens Township. No particulars given except his age 77 years & destitute. R. A. Davis, Supt. (no dismissal notes) Charles Lacy was admitted into the Infirmary December 10, 1877 by order of the Trustees of Athens Township. Habits reckless. Condition, destitute. Age not given, probably 40 years. "Colored" R. A. Davis, Supt. Charles Lacy died December 28, 1877. Jonah Lewellen & wife & five small children were admitted into the infirmary December 14, 1877 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Lewellan is 28 years old, unable to support his family. Habits not very good. By order of the Board; R. A. Davis, Supt. Was discharged March 8, 1878. Returned June 13, 1878. Delivered of a female child September 6, 1878. Child died same day. Discharged October 7, 1878. Returned August 20, 1879. Fredie Stout was admitted into the Infirmary December 14, 1877 by order of Trustees of Carthage Township. Age 3 years. His Father is supposed to be dead and his Mother is married again & they refused to keep him. R. A. Davis, Supt. (no dismissal notes) Frank Ford was admitted into the Infirmary December the 14th, 1877 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 33 years. Habits good. Sick. R. A. Davis, Supt. (no dismissal notes) Hugh McGuire was admitted into the Infirmary December 17, 1877 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 30 years. Condition sore eyes. Born in Ireland. Nothing further given. R. A. Davis, Supt. (no dismissal notes) Peter Doty a tramp was admitted into the Infirmary December 13, 1877, having no papers, but says (he) has a residence in Harden County. Been absent from there two years. Feet has been froze & taken of & are very sore. R. A. Davis, Supt. Peter Doty died January 4, 1878 of Lock Jaw. Joseph Flood was admitted into the Infirmary December 30, 1877 by order of the Trustees of Athens County. No particulars given. Condition destitute. R. A. Davis, Supt. Discharged May 10, 1878. Returned February 2nd, 1879. Discharged April 21, 1879. Pat Kennedy was admitted into the Infirmary Dec. 30th, 1877 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Length of residence in Township 5 months. Habits intemperate. Condition stabbed in the abdomen, unable to take care of himself. Age 30. R. A. Davis, Supt. (no dismissal notes) James Finn was admitted into the Infirmary by order of the Trustees of York Township December 30, 1877. Been in the County 2 years. Habits temperate. Sick. Anna (or Asina) age 39 years. R. A. Davis, Supt. (no dismissal notes) Thomas Stapleton (or Stapelton) (very hard to read last name) was admitted into the Infirmary January 1, 1878 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 60 years. Born in Ireland. Destitute & feeble. By order of Board. R. A. Davis, Supt. (no dismissal notes) Timothy Finn was admitted into the Infirmary January 2, 1878 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Birthplace Ireland. No legal residence. Habits g. (?? Might mean good??) Condition rheumatism. Age 31 years. R. A. Davis, Supt. Discharged April 21, 1878. Raymond Merit was admitted into the Infirmary January 18, 1878 upon his own statement that he was resident of Alexander Township. Strayed off to Franklin County, got sick & was sent home by the Authorities. Age 17, feeble. R. A. Davis, Supt. (no dismissal notes) Sarah Catharine Sorton, colored, & child about 3 weeks old, was admitted into the Infirmary January 31, 1878 by order of the Trustees of Rome Township. Age 18 years. R. A. Davis, Supt. Dismissed March 27, 1878, Returned Mar 31st, 1878. Discharged June 15, 1879. Returned June 25th, 1879. Runaway Nov. 3rd, 1880. The child Rosa died June 14th, 1881. Dorsey Glenn was admitted into the Infirmary February 2, 1878 from Lodi Township 8 years formerly of the Infirmary. R. A. Davis, Supt. (No dismissal notes) (Most entries lack punctuation, as this on did. I did NOT punctuate this entry, as I have others, because punctuation was unclear and would, in this case, possible change the intended meaning) William Amos Price an illegitimate child 2 years old was admitted into the Infirmary February 8th, 1878 by order of the Trustees of Trimble Township. His mother’s name is Burnard, Nancy. By order of board. R. A. Davis, Supt. Took away June 26th, 1878. Returned October 24th, 1878. Taken away by J. Robinson of Nelsonville, October 30th, 1878. Returned May 31st, 1879. Christian Mayer an old German tramp, 60 years old, was admitted into the Infirmary February 14th, 1878 by order of the Trustees of York Township. By order of board. R. A. Davis, Supt. Discharged March 25, 1878. Edward Burns was admitted onto the Infirmary February 16. 1878 by order of the Trustees of Lodi Township. Has fits & his mind is impaired. By order. R. A. Davis, Supt. Discharged April 20th, 1878. Returned August 28th, 1878. Eliza Gilpin age 55 years was admitted into the Infirmary February 19th, 1878 by order of the Trustees of York Township. R. A. Davis, Supt. Dismissed April 2nd, 1878. Returned April 26th, 1878. Discharged May 6th, 1879. Jane Gilpin aged 16 years was admitted into the Infirmary February 19th, 1878 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Reported in the family way. By order, R. A. Davis, Supt. Dismissed April 2, 1878. Returned April 26th, 1878. Delivered of a male child July 27, 1878. Child died March 10, 1879. Buried in Grave No. 5 in Children’s Row. Discharged May 6th, 1879. William Hayden a transient man & boatman on the Canal was admitted into the Infirmary February 25, 1878 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Trouble with pluracy (sic). Age 35 years. R. A. Davis, Supt. Discharged Mar. 9th, 1878. Returned May 24, 1878. Dismissed May 29, 1878. Solomon North & family of 6 was admitted into the Infirmary December, 1877 from York Township. R. A. Davis, Supt. Sent to Haydenville March 8, 1878. Eliza McConaha & 3 children was admitted in the Infirmary March 31st, 1878 by order of the Trustees of Dover Township, age 40 years. Also 3 children, Minia 13 years, Anna 10 years, Edward 1 year. Condition destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Dismissed May 16, 1878. returned June 26, 1878. Discharged July 31, 1878. Returned March 4, 1880. Discharged March 25, 1880. Jane Harlow & six children were admitted into the Infirmary April 8, 1878 by order of the Trustees of Rome Township. Jane Harlow, 32 years; William Harlow 12 years; Ida Harlow 8 years; Gusta Harlow 6 years; Ruthett Harlow 4 years; Lulia Harlow 2 years; Lovinia Harlow 1 year. Previous habits good as far as known. Present condition bad. A. Martin, Supt. William Harlo discharged Mar. (or May) 1st, 1878. Ida Harlo was taken away June 29, 1878 by D?. Gamble. Gusted Harlo was taken away by her grandpa October 22, 1878. Returned June 11, 1879. Ruth & Vina sent to the (Children’s) Home January 12, 1882. Sarah A. Hunter was admitted into the Infirmary April 10, 1878 by order of the Trustees of Canaan Township. Age 20 years. Residence not definitely known. The birthplace of said Sarah A. Hunter, Virginia. Length of residence in Township not definitely known. Previous habits good. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged August 6, 1878. Susan Coteral was brought to Infirmary February 26, 1878 by the Directors of Vinton County, being a resident of Athens County. Aged 40 years & simple. Also 3 children, Rebecca Coteral aged 18 years & Amanda Coteral aged 9 years & Andrew Coteral aged 8 years. R. A. Davis, Supt. Rebecca taken to Asylum October 18, 1879. Returned November 30, 1881. Delivered of male child February 9th, 1882. Child died February 22, 1882. Sent back to Asylum June 16, 1889. Returned but date not given by the Supt. & gave birth to a child sometime in 1885 or 1886. Sent to Home February 1887. Gave birth to a female child Nov. 6, 1887. Sent to Asylum February 21, 1888. William Hern a transient man was admitted into the Infirmary February 26, 1878 by order of Trustees of Athens Township. Sore leg. Age 24 years. R. A. Davis, Supt. (no dismissal notes) James Yates aged 18 years was admitted into the Infirmary March 14, 1878 from York Township without papers. Disease, lung fever. A. Martin, Supt. Dismissed March 27, 1878. John S. William was admitted into the Infirmary March 22nd, 1878 by order of the Trustees of Troy Township. Age 77 years. A. Martin, Supt. Died August 1st, 1879 of heart disease. Buried in Grave No. 18, Ranging West. Julia Mash & 2 children was admitted into the Infirmary December 1st 1877 by order of the Trustees of Rome Township. Discharged March 27th, 1878. Returned May 1st, 1878. Discharged June 12, 1879. Martha Yates was admitted into the Infirmary March 31st, 1878 by order of the Trustees of Dover Township. Aged 22 years. Condition pregnant. A. Martin, Supt. Delivered of a male child April 24, 1878. Discharged May 16, 1878. Returned July 12, 1878. Child died July 22, 1878. Discharged July 31, 1878. Returned March 4, 1880. Discharged March 25, 1880. Levi Smith and his daughter Pheobe Roach was discharged from the Infirmary April 9, 1878 by order of the Directors. A. Martin, Supt. William H. Price was admitted into the Infirmary April 13, 1878 by order of the Trustees of Athens Township. Age 28 years. Birthplace not known. Length of residence three years. Previous habits industrious. A. Martin, Supt. Dismissed May 1st, 1878. Maria Jane Richardson was admitted into the Infirmary April 19, 1878 by order of the Trustees of Athens Township. Age six years having a legal residence in Township two years. Present condition not able to take care of herself. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged April 19, 1878. Julia Mash and her 3 children was admitted into the Infirmary April 19, 1878 by order of the Trustees of Rome Township. Age Julia Mash, 38; Eliza An 11; William H. 6; Woodson 3 years. Birthplace not known. Present condition destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged June 12, 1879. Returned December 1, 1879. Discharged Nov. 17, 1880. John W. Cullison was admitted into the Infirmary April 20, 1878 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age three years, having a legal settlement in said township. Birthplace of John W. Cullison was Dover Township. Length of residence in York Township two years. Previous habits good. Present condition suffering. A. Martin, Supt. Taken away by his half-brothers May 9, 1878. returned July 25th, 1878. Mary Ellen Reeves went away from the Infirmary April 22, 1878 by her own accord. A. Martin, Supt. (This entry is due to the inability for the recording person to find the original entry of admitting. In reviewing the index, it is possible that this is "Mary Ellen Reaves" from page 172 of Volume One) Betsy McConaha & 4 children was admitted into the Infirmary April 28th, 1878 by order of the Directors from Morgan County, Ohio. Discharged June 4, 1878. Samuel Smith & Malinda Smith was discharged from the Infirmary May 2, 1878 by order of the Directors. A. Martin, Supt. Returned July 11, 1878. Discharged August 21. Samuel and Malinda Smith returned November 25th, 1878. Dismissed May 6th, 1879. Returned Dec. 2, 1879. Discharged January 4, 1880. Returned January 20, 1880. Discharged April 28, 1880. Fred Matheny was admitted into the Infirmary May 1st, 1878 by the order of the Trustees of Lee Township. Age 70 years. Born in Athens County, Ohio. Present condition destitute and has fits. Previous habits good. A. Martin, Supt. Died Nov. 7, 1878. James Rounds was discharged from the Infirmary may 6th, 1878 by order of the Directors. A. Martin, Supt. Richard Right was discharged from the Infirmary May 16th, 1878 by order of the Directors. A. Martin, Supt. Molley Cade was admitted into the Infirmary May 18th, 1878 by order of the Trustees of Dover Township. Age 8 years. Birthplace of said person is Athens County, Ohio. Present condition destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Dismissed May 28, 1878. Littie Fidler was admitted into the Infirmary May 21, 1878 by order of the Trustees of Dover Township. Age 18 years, having a legal settlement in said township. Birthplace Morgan County, Ohio. Residence in said Township one year. Previous habits not known. Present condition destitute & without a home. A. Martin, Supt. Runaway May 29, 1878. Joseph McConahay was admitted into the Infirmary May 22, 1878 by order of the Trustees of Dover Township. Age 30 years. The birthplace of said McConahay, Athens County. Present condition destitute & too lazy to work. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged June 4, 1878. Thomas Stapleton was admitted into the Infirmary June 8, 1878 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 64 years. The birthplace of said pauper was Ireland. Present condition sick. A. Martin, Supt. (No dismissal notes) J. F. Fry was admitted in the Infirmary May __, 1878 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Discharged July 6th, 1878. Thomas W. Jones was admitted in the Infirmary June 18th, 1878 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 49 years. The birthplace of said Jones is England. Place of residence State of Iowa. Present condition sick and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Amanda Wairn was admitted into the infirmary June 26th, 1878 by order of the Trustees of Dover Township. Age 8 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace Dover Township. Previous habits good. Present condition without a home. A. Martin, Supt. Taken away June 26th, 1878. Lovina Cullison, Malinda Smith, age 19 years (written above with an arrow meant to interject this name and age into the list of names), Jasper Reeves, Albert Woods, Nancy An Woods was admitted in the Infirmary July 11, 1878 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Ages (Lovina) 37, (Malinda 19), (Jasper )15, (Albert) 6, and (Nancy) 3. Birthplace Ohio. Previous habits indigent. Present condition poverty & want. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged August 21, 1878. Returned December 5, 1878. Discharged June 12, 1879. Returned January 27, 1880. Anna sent to the (Children’s) Home January 12, 1882. (from looking over the index, Lovina is the Mother, who apparently had several husbands. I find her listed as a REAVES [child listed as REEVES in this entry], WOODS, & as CULLISON. I do not know how Malinda Smith fits into this entry, as she was also added above with an arrow, as previously mentioned. Check these other entries to better understand this family) (see VINA CULLISON also on page 275) Charles P. Smith & Catharine B. Smith was admitted into the Infirmary August 5th, 1878 by order of the Trustees of Canaan Township. Age 27 years of C. P. Smith, age of Catharine B. Smith 19. Birthplace of C. P. Smith was the city of Hartford, Connecticut. The birthplace of Catharine B. Smith, Meigs County, Ohio. Present condition sick with rheumatism. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged September 5th, 1878. Charles was returned September 23, 1878. Catharine was returned November 30th, 1878. Both discharged April 2nd, 1879. Returned December 28, 1879. Discharged February 17, 1880. Cedesta Reed, Lita Bell Reed & Callie Reed was admitted in the Infirmary August 28th, 1878 by order of the Trustees of (blank) Township. Ages 13, 9 & 5 years. Cedesta Reed was taken away by Tobias Bodenot. Calla taken away May 1st, 1879 by Samuel Ladd, Frost Station. Lila Bell taken away by J. F. Smith of Lodi Township, May 20, 1879. Mary Brown was admitted in the Infirmary July 6th, 1879 by order of the Trustees of York Township, age 13 years. Birthplace Athens County, Ohio. Present condition destitute & no friends. A. Martin, Supt. Sent to the Imbecile Asylum February 20, 1880. Page 224 (Very light copy) John Whalen was admitted into the Infirmary August 30th, 1878 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 47 years. Having a legal settlement in said township. The birthplace of the said John Whalen is the State of Massachusetts. Residence in Township 18 months. Previous habits industrious. Present condition sick and not able to work. A. Martin, Supt. Went away of his own accord Sept. 10, 1878. Dennis Booker was admitted into the Infirmary September 16, 1878 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 32 years. Having a legal settlement in said Township. The birthplace is Kentucky. Length of residence in Township 4 years. Previous habits good. Present condition sick with poison. A. Martin, Supt. Died October 7, 1878. Interred in grave No. __, Range No. __ in County Burial Grounds. Joseph Hall was admitted into the Infirmary September 16th, 1878 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 38 years. The birthplace of the said Hall is Stark County, Illinois. Previous habits not known. Present condition crippled. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged October 4, 1878. (See entry below, has same birthplace and same admitting date, and almost same dismissal date; could be some connection) John Kelley was admitted into the Infirmary September 16, 1878 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 21 years. The birthplace of said Kelly is Stark County, Illinois. Previous habits not known. Present condition sick. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged October 3, 1878. (See above entry, has same admitting date, same birthplace, and almost same dismissal date; could be some connection) Wash Davis & wife & 1 child three weeks old was admitted into the Infirmary September 18, 1878 by order of the Trustees of Ames township. Ages 28, 18, and 3 months. (Previous sentence said baby was 3 weeks, not months). Having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace not given. Present condition sick and no cents (don’t know if this is actual money, or meant to be ‘sense’), & perfectly filthy. A. Martin, Supt. Child died March 1, 1879. Discharged March 29, 1879. Returned October 26, 1879. Delivered of a female child February 1, 1880. Child died March 5, 1880. Runaway March 20, 1881. Gideon D. Mitchell was admitted into the Infirmary September 21, 1878 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 76 years, having a legal settlement in said township. The birthplace of said person is the State of Rhode Island. Length of residence is 18 months. Previous habits good. Present condition, poverty and want. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged October 8, 1878. (click here to go off site to Sandra Mitchell-Quinn's web genealogy of Gideon D. Mitchell) Sarah Reese & three children was admitted into the Infirmary September 27, 1878 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Ages as follows: Sarah 46, Edwin H. 9 years, Mary E. 4 years, Henryetta (Henrietta) 2 years. The birthplace of said Sarah Reese is South Wales, Conon County. Length of residence in Township one year. Previous habits not given. Present condition poverty & want. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged November 20th, 1878. Sent to Iowa. George Clay was admitted into the Infirmary September 28th, (no year given), by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 28 years having a legal settlement in said Township. The birthplace of said Clay is Willson County, Teen. (Maybe meant to be an abbreviation of Tennessee?). Present condition, slightly insane. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged October 2, 1878. Joseph Brown was admitted into the Infirmary October 21, 1878 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 55 (or 53) years, having a legal settlement in said Township. The birthplace of said Brown is Wailes (Wales). Residence in Township over one year. Previous habits not mentioned. Present condition sick. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged Nov. 2, 1878. Sarah E. Philips was admitted into the Infirmary October 28th, 1878 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 18 years. Having a legal settlement in said township. Birthplace in Clinton County, Ohio. Present condition pregnant and destitute & deserted by her husband. A. Martin, Supt. Delivered of a male child January 4th, 1879. Discharged March 1, 1879. Mary E. Stubs was admitted into the Infirmary November 16, 1878 by order of the Trustees of Dover Township. Age 24 years. Length of residence in said Township 13 years. Previous habits industrious. Present condition healthy but very poor & pregnant & without no home. A. Martin, Supt. Delivered of a pair of twins February 7, 1879. All boys but one. Discharged March 1, 1879. (This seems to be birth of 4 children, 3 boys and one girl). Charles O’Brian was admitted into the Infirmary December 9, 1878 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 22 years. Having no legal residence anywhere. Birthplace Pennsylvania. Present condition, dislocated arm. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged February 24, 1879. Returned March 12, 1879. Discharged April 11, 1879. Jane Chambers was admitted into the Infirmary December 6th, 1878 by order of the Trustees of Troy Township. Age 45 years. Having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace Jefferson County, Ohio. Present condition pregnant and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Delivered of a male child January 24, 1879. Name of child Elick Emery (Chambers?) died May 24th (or 27th) 1879. Buried in grave No. __, Child’s Row. Discharged June 12th, 1879. Mary J. Vansickel & 3 children was admitted into the Infirmary December 10, 1878 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 34. Margret 7 (had said Margret Isabell, but Isabell has been crossed out and after Catharine’s name is "Is". , which might mean that Isabell is her middle name), Catharine Is. 13, Charles 4, having no legal settlement in said township. Birthplace Muskingum County. Previous habits bad. Present condition poverty and want and awful dirty. A. Martin, Supt. Rebecca discharged April 21, 1879. (No mention do "Rebecca" in admittance lines). All discharged June 22, 1879. H. C. Williams & wife & 4 children was admitted into the Infirmary December 17th, 1878 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Ages 45, 37, 15, 9, 7, & 1; having a legal settlement in said township. Birthplace of H. C. Williams Jackson, Ohio. Nancy Williams, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. Present condition poverty and want and as dirty at rot. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged April 11, 1879. Returned November 14, 1879. Williams discharged January 20, 1880. Mrs. Williams & 3 children discharged April 7, 1880. All discharged April 7, 1880. All returned September 28, 1880. Delivered of a female child March 12, 1881. All runaway June 12, 1881. Mary, Samuel & S. B. William sent to the (Children’s) Home January 12, 1882. Patrick O’Brian was admitted in the Infirmary January 1, 1879 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 52 years. Having no legal settlement in the U.S.A. The birthplace of said Patrick O’Brian is Ireland, Galaway County. Previous habits not given. Present condition poverty and want & ruptured. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged March 29, 1879. Eliza Beebe of Columbus, Ohio was admitted in the Infirmary December 31, 1878 by order of the Trustees of Athens Township. Age 45 years, having no legal settlement in said Athens Township. Residence in Columbus 5 years. The birthplace of Mrs. Beebe, Athens County, Ohio. Present condition destitute & broken leg. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged February 13, 1879. John Kenney was admitted in the Infirmary January 4, 1879 by order of the Trustees of Athens Township. Age 17 years having a legal settlement in said Township. The birthplace of said John Kenney is Franklin County, Ohio. Length of residence in said township eleven years. Present condition destitute and got a sore toe. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged March 5, 1879. Jacob Johnson ‘ colored’, was admitted into the Infirmary January 7, 1879 by order of the Trustees of Trimble Township. Age 65 years, having a legal settlement on said Township. The birthplace of said Jacob Johnson is West Virginia. Residence in Township 2 or 3 years. present condition poor and very black. A. Martin, Supt. Died March 23rd, 1883. John Hilland died January 30, 1879. The books don’t tell when he was admitted, nor his age. A. Martin, Supt. Buried in grave No. 14, Men’s Row. Chester Shutts was admitted into the infirmary February 6, 1879 by order of the Trustees of Athens Township. Age 23 years, having no legal settlement in said Township. The birthplace of said Charles Shutts is Zane Township, Muskingum County, Ohio. Present condition suffering from severe injury of foot and ankle hurt on R.R. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged February 19, 1879. Magie Brown was admitted in the Infirmary February 21, 1879 by order of the Trustees of Athens Township. Age 23 years. Birthplace, Athens County, Ohio. Present condition pregnant and very poor. A. Martin, Supt. Run away March 3, 1879. Thomas Steed & family consisting of seven in (number) was admitted in the Infirmary December 21, 1878 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Ages ranging from three months to 44 years. Birthplace of said Steed of Washington County, Ohio. Present condition poverty and want. A. Martin, Supt. Dismissed April 23, 1879. Mary D. Philips was admitted in the Infirmary March 20, 1879 by order of the Trustees of Athens Township. Age 32 years. Birthplace Armstrong County, Pennsylvania. Having a legal settlement in said Township. Present condition pregnant and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Delivered of a female child July 12, 1879. Sent to Asylum August 26, 1879. Returned Nov. 6, 1879. Discharged June 17, 1881. Maggie Smith was admitted in the Infirmary March 21, 1879 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 30 years, having a legal settlement in said township. Birthplace of said Maggie Smith is Piqua County, Ohio. Present condition poverty & want. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged April 11, 1879. G. W. Hall was admitted in the Infirmary March 27, 1879 from the Perry County Infirmary by one of the Directors of Perry County. Age 18 years, having a legal settlement in said Athens County. Birthplace of said G. W. Hall, Washington County, Ohio. Present condition poverty and want. A. Martin, Supt. Went away of his own accord April 4, 1879. Sarah A. Lindsey of Lagrange, Lagrange County, Indiana, by order of the Trustees of Athens Township, age 34 years. Birthplace of said Sarah E. Lindsey is unknown. Present condition destitute and sick. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged April 21, 1879. Brebecka Bridge & 5 children was admitted in the infirmary April 12, 1879 by order of the Trustees of Waterloo Township. Ages ranging from 35 to 1 year. Mrs. Bridge 35, Martha 13, Elizabeth 10, Lilla 8, William 3, James 1; having no legal settlement in said County. Birthplace Kentucky. Her legal place of residence is Lawrence County, Ohio. Present condition poverty and want. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged April 17, 1879. Margaret Hys & family consisting of 8 was admitted in the Infirmary April 16, 1879 by order of the Trustees of Trimble Township. Ages ranging from 45 to 6 months. Margaret 45, Sarah 18, Elizabeth 14, John 12, Amanda 10, Stephen 8, Charles 5, Edda 6 months. Birthplace Muskingum County, Ohio. Previous habits laborers. Present condition, in the public highway without shelter or provisions. A. Martin, Supt. Sarah & Elizabeth discharged May 9, 1879. All discharged May 18th, 1879. Josephine Evans was admitted in the Infirmary April 17th, 1879 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 28 years, having a legal settlement in said township or York. The birthplace of said Josephine Evan is Athens County, Ohio. Present condition poverty & want & pregnant. A. Martin, Supt. Delivered of a female child August 22nd, 1879. Discharged September 25th, 1879. Returned April 24, 1880. Child sent to the (Children’s) Home January 12, 1882. Jane Inman was admitted in the Infirmary April 19, 1879 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 25 years. Having a legal settlement in said township. Birthplace of said person, Amesville, Athens County, Ohio. Previous habits moral. Present condition poverty and want. A. Martin, Supt. Runaway October 18, 1879. Mary Brown was admitted in the infirmary April 28, 1879 by order of Trustees of York Township. Age 15 years. Having a legal settlement in said Township. The Birthplace of said person is Athens County, Ohio. Previous habits idiotic. Present condition poverty and want. A. Martin, Supt. Sent to Imbecile Asylum February 20, 1880. Charles E. McLellan was admitted in the Infirmary May 1st, 1879 by order of the Trustees of Trimble Township. Age 5 years, having a legal settlement in said township. Birthplace of said Charles E. McLellen is Trimble Township, Athens County, Ohio. Present condition poverty and want and no home. A. Martin, Supt. Sent to the Imbecile Asylum February 20th, 1880. James McCauley was admitted in the Infirmary May 1st, 1879 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 69 years, having no legal settlement in said township of York. The birthplace of said James McCauley is Ireland. Previous habits not given. Present condition poverty and want & Without a home. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged September 1st, 1880. Etna J. Parsons & 5 children was admitted in the Infirmary May 9th, 1879 by order of the Trustees of Rome Township. Ages ranging from 28 years to 2 months. Etna J. 28 years, Viola 9 years, John Anderson 6 years, Vinton 4 years, Emerson 2 years, Infant 2 months having a legal settlement in said township. Birthplace of said persons except infant child is Washington County, Ohio. Previous habits not mentioned. Present condition destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Dismissed October 3, 1879. Mary Elvy Bron was admitted in the Infirmary June 9th, by order of the Trustees of Lee Township. Age 12 years, having a legal settlement in said township. Birthplace West Virginia. Present condition poverty and want and without friends. A. Martin, Supt. Rufus Springer was admitted in the Infirmary June 20th, 1879 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 62 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Length of residence in said township 20 years. Birthplace of said Spriner is Ohio. Previous habits moral. Present condition sick and not able to work. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged November 10, 1880. James Angoue was admitted in the Infirmary June 20, 1879 by order of the Trustees of Waterloo Township. Age 54 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace Cornwell, England. Previous habits industrious & dissipated. Present condition suffering. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged July 17, 1879. Rheuben Robison was admitted June 25th, 1879 into the Infirmary by order of the Trustees of Canaan Township. Age 25 years. Having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace of said Robison is Virginia. Previous habits good. Present condition is sick and in a suffering condition. A. Martin, Supt. Died June 28, 1879. Charlotte Turner & child ‘colored’, were admitted into the Infirmary July 3, 1879 by order of the Trustees if York Township. Age 21 and 1 year, having a legal settlement on said township of York. The birthplace of said Charlotte Turner was Lynchburg, Virginia. Previous habits, moral. Present condition, pregnant and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Runaway July 10, 1879. Betsey Topson was admitted in the Infirmary June 19, 1879 by order of the Trustees of Diver Township. Age 18 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace of said Betsey Topson is Athens County, Ohio. Previous habits good. Present condition sick and forsaken by friends that aught to have taken care of her, that is D. Fulton’s family that had her labor for eleven years; but when she got sick & was not able to do their dirty wash, they fetched her to the poorhouse to die. Oh shame. . A. Martin, Supt. Died July 8, 1879. Buried in grave. Charles Lynch was admitted in the Infirmary July 14, 1879 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 47 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace of said Charles Lynch is Jefferson County, Ohio. Residence in said Township 9 years. Previous habits, good. Present condition sick and not able to work. . A. Martin, Supt. Discharged Septemeber 10, 1879. Christopher Reese was admitted in the Infirmary July 22, 1879 by order of the Trustees of Athens Township. Age 43 years, a resident of Franklin County, Ohio. Birthplace of said Chris Reese is Green County, Virginia. Present condition sick with some lung disease. . A. Martin, Supt. Discharged July 26, 1879. Mary Ann Clatters was admitted in the Infirmary July 28, (1879) by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 20 years, having a legal settlement in Hocking County, Ohio. Birthplace of said person is Mercer County, Ohio. Previous habits, a prostitute. Present condition destitute, poverty & want. . A. Martin, Supt. Discharged July 29, 1879. Emeline More was admitted in the Infirmary July 5, 1879 by order of the Trustees of Athens Township. Age 50 years. Having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace of said person, West Virginia. Previous habits, good. Present condition, destitute & sick with consumption. . A. Martin, Supt. Died August 21, 1879. Lucy Williams was admitted in the Infirmary August 5, 1879 by order of the Trustees of Rome Township. Age 22 years, having no legal settlement in Athens County, nor in Township. Birthplace of said Lucy Williams is Montgomery County, West Virginia. Previous habits a tramp. Present condition destitute. . A. Martin, Supt. Discharged August 20, 1879. Charles John Edwards (Charles is written above John, and it could be John Charles Edwards) was admitted in the Infirmary August 29, 1879 by order of the Trustees of Carthage Township. Age 24 years, having a legal settlement in said Troy. (This might be a mistake since the "said" township is the admitting township of Carthage, and not Troy. It could be either.) Birthplace of said Edwards is Meigs County, Ohio. Previous habits industrious and temperate. Present condition broken leg. . A. Martin, Supt. Discharged March 1, 1881. Anna Conner & 4 children were admitted into the Infirmary September 1, 1879 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 32 years, having no legal settlement in township nor in Athens County. But a resident of Lawrence County, Ohio. Present condition destitute. . A. Martin, Supt. Discharged Sept. 4th, 1879. Sent to Lawrence County, Ohio. Samuel McCune was admitted in the Infirmary September 5, 1879 by order of the Trustees of Athens Township. Age 60 years, having no legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace of said McCune is Morgan County, Ohio. Present condition, a tramp. . A. Martin, Supt. Discharged September 20, 1879. Ema (Emma) & David Skiver was admitted in the Infirmary September 22, 1879 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 16 and 3 years, having a legal settlement in said Township of York. Birthplace of said person is York Township, Athens County, Ohio. Present condition sick and destitute. . A. Martin, Supt. David taken away by his Aunt September 27, 1879. Emma ran away June 12, 1881. A German Woman, name unknown was admitted in the Infirmary September 15, 1879 by order of the Trustees of Athens Township. Age about 50 years, having no legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace unknown. Present condition insane and destitute. . A. Martin, Supt. Runaway September 28, 1879. Anna Skiver was admitted in the Infirmary September 30, 1879 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 30 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace of said Anna Skiver is Athens County, Ohio. Present condition sick with Rheumatism & destitute. . A. Martin, Supt. Died March 24, 1880. Hester Willson (Wilson?) was admitted in the Infirmary October 24, (1879) by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 21 years, having a legal settlement in said Township of York. Birthplace York Township, Athens County, Ohio. Present condition pregnant & destitute. . A. Martin, Supt. Delivered of a female child October 29, 1879. Discharged December 10, 1879. Mary J. Perry (and Isaiah, her husband, according to the index) was admitted in the Infirmary November 3, 1879 by order of the Trustees of Canaan Township. Age 20 years, having a legal settlement in said Township of Canaan. Birthplace of Mary J. Perry, Athens County, Ohio. Previous habits, not good. Present condition in the state of Pregnancy & in need. . A. Martin, Supt. Runaway December 4, 1879. Returned March 10, 1880. Runaway March 20, 1880. Mary returned August 3, 1882. Delivered of a male child September 22, 1882. (The Isaiah mentioned above, is listed in the index as her husband. the index lists this entry as "Isaiah Perry & wife") John Marshall a transient pauper was admitted into the Infirmary November 3, 1879 by order of the Trustees of Athens Township. Age 40 years, having no legal settlement in Athens County but was sent here to recruit up for a few days. . A. Martin, Supt. Discharged November 12, 1879. Barbar Callan (or Callam) & 3 children was admitted in the Infirmary November 21, 1879 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 35, 11, 8, and 2 years, having a legal settlement in said Township of York. Birthplace of said person is Woodstock, East Virginia. Previous habits moral. Present condition destitute & needy. Husband killed in the mines. . A. Martin, Supt. Discharged November 29, 1879. Edward Hess was admitted in the Infirmary December 1, 1879 by order of the Trustees of Waterloo Township. Age 1 year, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace of said child is Waterloo Township, Athens County, Ohio. Present condition destitute & helpless. . A. Martin, Supt. Sent to the (Children’s) Home January 12, 1882. A. W. Gardner & Family consisting of himself & wife & 5 children was admitted in the Infirmary December 3, 1879 by order of the Trustees of Lee Township. Age 52, 32, 13, 10, 8, 4, and 5 months. Gardner having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace of Gardner, Belmont County, Ballance Athens County Ohio. (I do not understand the reason for multiple locations exactly.) Present condition destitute and want. . A. Martin, Supt. Gardner discharged January 20, 1880. All discharged March 10, 1880. All returned April 12, 1880. Margaret Logit (legit or Lagit?) was admitted in the Infirmary December 28, 1879 by order of the Trustees of Athens Township. Age 42 years, having a legal settlement in said township. Birthplace of said pauper is West Virginia. Previous habits good. Present condition destitute. . A. Martin, Supt. Discharged Jan. 24, 1880. (could be June 24) Thomas Skiver was admitted in the Infirmary January 2, 1880 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 39 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace of said Skiver is York Township. Previous habits good. Present condition sick and destitute. . A. Martin, Supt. Discharged January 8, 1880. Edward Sharp was admitted in the Infirmary January 14, 1880 by order of the Trustees of Lodi Township. Age 75 years, having a legal settlement in said Township of Lodi. Birthplace of said Sharp in Belmont County, Ohio. Previous habits, worthless. Present condition destitute. . A. Martin, Supt. Discharged April 4, 1880. Pat Rarider (or Rariden) was admitted in the Infirmary January 21, 1880 by order of the Trustees of Canaan Township. Age 67 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace of said Rarider, Ireland. Present condition destitute. . A. Martin, Supt. Died February 22, 1888. Interred in Infirmary Cemetery. Jacob Rasher (or Rosher) was admitted in the Infirmary January 24, 1880 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 23 years, having no legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace of said Jacob Rosher, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Present condition, destitute and in need. . A. Martin, Supt. Dismissed February 18, 1880. Returned March 6, 1880. Dismissed April 12, 1880. Returned April 17, 1880. Charles Edwards was discharged from the infirmary January 26, 1880 by order of A. Martin, Supt. Returned February 26, 1880. Discharged August 7, 1880. Returned November 20, 1880. Runaway March 20, 1881. James Fitzgerrold was admitted in the Infirmary February 16, 1879 (It originally said 1880, but the "80" was crossed through and "79" written above it) by order of T. J. Allison. Age 40 years, having no legal settlement in said Athens County. Birthplace of said pauper is Ireland. Present condition sick with rheumatism & destitute. . A. Martin, Supt. Discharged August 10, 1880. Elisabeth Helmer was admitted in the Infirmary April 14, 1880 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 19 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace not given. Previous habits, immoral. Present condition pregnant. . A. Martin, Supt. Runaway April 21, 1880. Returned April 29, 1880. Delivered of a female child August 31, 1880. Runaway October 24, 1880. W. T. Shotts (the "T." could also be an "I") was admitted in the Infirmary May 15th, 1880 by order of the Trustees of Athens Township. Age 26 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace not given. Previous (habits) not good. Present condition crippled with rheumatism. . A. Martin, Supt. Discharged September 4, 1881.
James Hardy was admitted in the Infirmary May 21st, 1880 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 90 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace of said James Hardy is Cumberland, England. Present condition, sick and not able to work. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged June 1st, 1881. Returned March 24, 1883.John and Laura Dick was admitted in the Infirmary May 31st, 1880 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Ages 12 and 10 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace of said paupers is York Township, Athens County, Ohio. Present condition, destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Sent to the (Children’s) Home January 12, 1882. James Norris was admitted in the Infirmary June 7th, 1880 by order of the Trustees of Troy Township. Age 60 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace of said pauper is Athens County, Ohio. Present condition, needy and sick. A. Martin, Supt. (no dismissal notes) Mrs. Brock (or Brook) (Index calls her Jane Brook/Brock) was admitted in the Infirmary June 16 (1880) by order of the Trustees of Rome Township. Age 60 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace of said pauper is West Virginia. Present condition almost blind and very poor. A. Martin, Supt. Died December 11, 1880 and was taken to Starling Medical College at Columbus. Emma Stanton was admitted in the Infirmary July 1st, 1880 by order of the Directors & A. Martin. Age 17 years, having a legal settlement in Waterloo Township, Athens County. Birthplace of said Em Stanton, Athens County, Ohio. Present condition, no home and pregnant. A. Martin, Supt. Delivered of a female child September 18, 1880. Child sent to the (Children’s) Home January 12, 1882, Alla May. Samuel Green was admitted in the Infirmary July 1st, 1880 by order of the Trustees of Lodi township. Age 47 years, having no legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace, England. Present condition, infirm and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged same day. Lewis J. Waterman was admitted in the Infirmary October 15th, 1880 by order of the Probate Court of Athens county, Ohio, from the Asylum. Age about 30 years. A. Martin, Supt. (no dismissal notes) Samuel Smith, wife and 2 children; ages; Samuel 27, Malinda 25, children from 3 years to 1 year. Ran away from the Infirmary October 10, 1880. Returned October 24th, 1880 by order of the Trustees of Ames Township. Samuel was skipt (skipped) out of here as fast as his dirty legs would carry him. By order of A. Martin, Supt. His wife and children discharged December 20, 1880. All returned April 14th, 1881. Delivered of a female child December 23rd, 1881. 2 children, Edward & Frank sent to the (Children’s) Home January 12, 1882. Matilda McKinney, Frankey & Minnie McKinnie (both spellings used) was admitted in the Infirmary November 1st, 1880 by order of the Trustees of Dover Township. Age Mrs. McKinney 40 years, Frankie 5, Minnie 1 years, having no legal settlement in said Athens County. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged November 10, 1880. Mrs. Sarah Winters & 2 boys, John and Taddy was admitted in the Infirmary November 23rd, 1880 by order of the Trustees of Athens Township. Ages; Mrs. Winters 34, John 11, Taddy 4 years, having a legal settlement in said Athens County, Ohio. Previous habits not given. Present condition poverty and want. A. Martin, Supt. Mrs. Winters died December 1st, 1880 and taken to Starling Medical College at Columbus, Ohio. John taken to imbecile asylum December 30th, 1880. Tad sent to (Children’s) Home January 12, 1882. Roena Helman, Mina & G. W. was admitted in the Infirmary December 24th, 1880 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Ages 40, 8, and 2 years, having a legal settlement on said Township of York. Birthplace not given. Present condition, sick and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged February 25th, 1881. returned April 17th, 1882. G. W. sent to (Children’s) Home July 6th, 1882. William Hamilton was admitted in the Infirmary January 4th, 1881 by order of the Directors, age 13 years. Birthplace Dover Township, Athens County, Ohio. Present condition destitute and no home. A. Martin, Supt. (no dismissal notes) Patrick Miles was admitted in the Infirmary January 13th, 1881 by order of the Trustees of Athens Township. Age 65 years. The birthplace of said pauper is Ireland. Present condition destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Dismissed May 12, 1881. Charles Woods was admitted in the Infirmary January 16th, 1881 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 20 years, having no legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace of said pauper was Fairfield County, Ohio. Present condition frozen feet & destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Dismissed February 7th, 1881. Millie Green was admitted in the Infirmary January 21st, 1881 by order of the Trustees of York Township age 21 years, having a legal settlement in York Township. Birthplace Fairfield County, Ohio. Present condition pregnant and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Delivered of a female child January 30th, 1881. returned October 25th, 1881. Child died October 25th, 1881. Fannie F. Ellis, Anna & A. L. Ellis was admitted in the Infirmary January 27th, 1881 by order of the Trustees of Rome Township. Ages 7, 4, and 2, having a legal settlement in Decatur Township, Washington County, Ohio. Present condition destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Taken to Washington County, February 2nd, 1881. Amanda Allard and her child 6 weeks old, ‘colored’, was admitted in the Infirmary February the 8th, 1881 by order of the Directors of Athens County. Age 19 years, child 6 weeks. Birthplace of Amanda, Hocking County, Ohio, a male child was born in the Perry County Infirmary December 17th, 1880. Present condition destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Runaway March 23rd, 1881. Thomas McGuire was admitted in the Infirmary February 7th, 1881 by order of the Trustees of Alexander Township. Age 24 years, having no legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace of said pauper is Grandview Township, Edgar County, Illinois. Present condition sick and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Dismissed February 28th, 1881. returned February 28th, 1881. Dismissed March 24th, 1881. John Jones (or Janes) was admitted in the Infirmary February 9th, 1881 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 26 years, having no legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace England. Present condition sick and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged April 13th, 1881. John Tinkum was admitted in the Infirmary February 11, 1881 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 21 years, having a legal settlement in said York Township. Birthplace of said pauper is Athens County. Present condition, destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged April 20th, 1881. Mary Clutter was admitted in the Infirmary February 17th, 1881 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 20 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace is Van Wert County, Ohio. Present condition, a prostitute & filthy & destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged April 20th, 1881. Amos Peyton was admitted in the Infirmary February 28th, 1881 by order of the Trustees of Rome Township. Age 50 years, having a legal settlement in Athens County. Present condition, sick and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Died March the 13th, 1881. Thomas Cooper was admitted in the Infirmary March 14th, 1881 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 21 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace Terrahaut, Indiana. Previous habits moral. Present condition sick and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged April 13th, 1881. G. W. Bentley was admitted in the Infirmary April 7th, 1881 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 40 years, having no legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace of said Bentley is Muskingum County, Ohio. Previous habits moral. Present condition, sick and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged June 8th, 1881. Lewis Knowles was admitted in the Infirmary April 19th, (1881) by order of the Trustees of troy Township. Age 50 years, having no legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace of said Knowles is Athens County, Ohio. Present condition, crippled and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged May 2nd, 1881. Miles Pendergrass was admitted in the Infirmary April 25th, 1881 by order of the Trustees of Athens Township. Age 44 years, having no legal settlement in said Township. Present condition, blind and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged April 19, 1881. Mary Stevens was admitted in the Infirmary May 19th, 1881 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 22 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace not given and can’t find out. Present condition destitute & pregnant. A. Martin, Supt. Went away May 24th, 1881. Returned July 5th, 1881. Delivered of a male child August 10th, 1881. Discharged September 25th, 1881. Returned February 6, 1882. (this next entry has a large X crossing it out) F. Emerick was admitted in the Infirmary June 2, 1881. Age 30 years, by order of the Trustees of York Township, having no legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace not known. Present cond. (never completed in book, and then entire thing crossed out) Dave Riddle was admitted in the Infirmary June 2nd, 1881 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 33, having no legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace North Carolina. Present condition a lunatic and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Runaway June 10th, 1881. Kate Glenn was admitted in the Infirmary June 3rd, 1881 by order of the Trustees of Athens Township. Age 20 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace Athens County, Ohio. Present condition, pregnant and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged June 6th, 1881. General James was admitted in the Infirmary July 17th, 1881 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 31 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace of said pauper, Virginia. Previous habits, moral. Present condition a lunatic and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Sent to the Asylum July 26th, 1881. James Barnecloe was admitted in the Infirmary August 11, 1881 by order of the Trustees of Athens Township. Age 24 years. Birthplace Montgomery County, Maryland. Present condition, sick and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Dismissed August 16th, 1881. Charles Myer (Meyer ?) was admitted in the Infirmary August 24th, 1881 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 25 years, having no legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace of said pauper is Switzerland. Present condition sick and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Went away of his own accord August 28th, 1881. William French was admitted in the Infirmary September 6th, 1881 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 72 years, having a legal settlement in said township. Birthplace of said pauper not given. Previous habits, moral. Present condition, sick and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Died November 8th, 1881, taken away by friends. Mrs. John Hull (and children) was admitted in the Infirmary September 10th, 1881 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Ages 35, 14, 8 and 5, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace of said paupers is Nelsonville, Athens County, Ohio. Previous habits, moral. Present condition, destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged September 12, 1881. Charles Mitchell was admitted in the Infirmary September 20th, 1881 by order of the Trustees of Ames Township. Age 7 years. Birthplace not given. Present condition no home. A. Martin, Supt. Sent to the (Children’s) Home January 12, 1882. Mary Gilbert was admitted in the Infirmary October 9 (1881) by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 40 years, having a legal settlement in said township. Birthplace of said pauper is Muskingum County, Ohio. Present condition, sick and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged November 16th, 1881. John C. Potter was admitted in the Infirmary October 15th, 1881 by order of the Trustees of Athens Township. Age 31 years, having a legal settlement in said township. Birthplace of said pauper is Pennsylvania. Present condition, sick and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged November 8, 1881. Albert Parmer was admitted in the Infirmary October 20th, (1881) by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 23 years, having no legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace of said pauper is State of New York. Present condition is sick and insane. A. Martin, Supt. Sent to Athens Jail October 24th, 1881. Died at the Asylum November 7th, 1881. Brought to the Infirmary and buried. Stephen Musgrave was admitted in the Infirmary October 31st, 1881 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 46 years, having no legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace England. Present condition sick and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged November 10th, 1881. Augustus, Solomon and Joseph Shipman (the following names were originally written in addition to the previously mentioned names, and then crossed out) (Abram, Charlotte & Frank) was admitted in the Infirmary November 3rd, 1881 by order of the Trustees of Rome township. Ages 14, 9, 3 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. The birthplace of said paupers is Rome Township, Athens County, Ohio. Present condition destitute, having no home. A. Martin, Supt. All sent to the (Children’s) Home January 12, 1882. John McConaha, wife and 5 children was admitted in the Infirmary December 2nd, 1881 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Ages 37 (rest left blank), having a legal settlement in said Township of York. Birthplace is Belmont County, Ohio. Present condition, sick and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged December 16th, 1881. Elsie & David Fouty was admitted in the Infirmary December 11th, 1881 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Ages 40 and 4 years, having a legal settlement in said York Township. Birthplace of said pauper, Athens County, Ohio. Present condition, sick and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Child David was sent to the (Children’s) Home January 12, 1882. John, Lucy and Alexander James was admitted in the Infirmary January 10, 1882 by order of the Trustees of Dover Township. Ages 9, 4 and 2, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace, Athens County, Ohio. Present condition, no home & destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Sent to the (Children’s) Home January 12, 1882. Anthey C. Six, J. C. Six, 12 (years), Andrew J. Six, 12 (years), Alonzo Six and Wilber Six was admitted in the Infirmary January 11, 1882, ages 14, 12, (12,) 10, 7, was admitted by order of the Trustees of York Township. Birthplace Athens County, Ohio. Present condition, destitute. A. Martin, Supt. All sent to (children’s) Home January 12, 1882. Annetta Porter & her child Mary was admitted in the Infirmary January 12th, 1882 by order of the Trustees of Trimble Township. Ages 28 and 2, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace of said pauper Morgan County, Ohio. Present condition sick and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Mary sent to (Children’s) Home January 23rd, 1882. Delivered of a male child July 12, 1882. Davidson Blake was admitted in the Infirmary January 24th, 1882 by order of the Trustees of Canaan Township. Age 65 years. Birthplace Columbiana County, Ohio. Present condition, crippled in the shoulder and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged March 1, 1882. Jack Brittentine was admitted in the Infirmary January 28th, 1882 by order of the Trustees of Athens Township. Age 35 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace West Virginia. Present condition, sick and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged April 24th, 1882. Returned January 2nd, 1883. Discharged February 7th, 1883. Amy Coon was admitted in the Infirmary February 27th, 1882 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 9 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace, Athens County, Ohio. Present condition, destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Sent to (Children’s) home July 6th, 1882. Ida E. Knight aged 10 years (Knight replaced the crossed out name of Salina), John aged 7 years, Clara E. aged 4 years was admitted in the Infirmary February 27th, 1882 by order of the Trustees of York Township, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace Vinton County, Ohio. Present condition, destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Sent to the (Children’s) Home July 6th, 1882. (The index calls this entry the SALINA children) Nancy Calentine and 4 children was admitted in the Infirmary March 7th, 1882 by order of the Trustees of Dover Township. Ages: Mrs. Calentine 33, L. Bell 12, James 10, Sanford 7, baby 2 weeks, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace of Mrs. Calentine Guernsey County, Ohio; the three oldest born in Kentucky, the baby in Athens County, Ohio. Present condition, sick and destitute and no home. A. Martin, Supt. The baby taken by Elijah Palk May 2nd, 1882. L. Bell, James & Sanford sent to the (Children’s) Home July 6th, 1882. Silva Francis Spears was admitted in the Infirmary March 15th, 1882 by order of the Trustees of Trimble Township. Age 10 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace Trimble Township, Athens County, Ohio. Present condition, forsaken by her parents and no home. A. Martin, Supt. Sent to the (Children’s) Home July 6th, 1882. Thos (Thomas) Lovit was admitted in the Infirmary March 19th, 1882 by order of the Trustees of Athens Township. Age 17 years, having no legal settlement in said County. Birthplace England. Present condition, destitute and got the itch, and no home. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged April 8th, 1882. Amanda Holbert, ‘colored’, was admitted in the Infirmary March 7th, 1882 by order of the Trustees of Rome Township. Age 16 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace Washington County, Ohio. Present condition destitute and insane. A. Martin, Supt. Sent to the Asylum March 10th, 1882. Annie E. Barnes was received in the Infirmary April 14th, 1882 from the Asylum by order of the Trustees of Athens Township. Age 40 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace not given. Present condition, destitute and insane. A. Martin, Supt. Died April 4th, 1898. Buried in County graveyard Post No. 40. James Nelson was admitted in the Infirmary April 6th, 1882 by order of the Trustees of Troy Township. Age 76 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace London County, Virginia. Previous habits industrious, frugal and of sober habits. Present condition, no home, and no friends to take care of home and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Departed this life April 5th, 1884. Buried in the Infirmary Graveyard. Thomas Matlock was admitted in the Infirmary May 17th, 1882 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 35 years, having no legal settlement in Athens County. Birthplace of said pauper is Monroe County, Ohio. Present condition, destitute and sick. A. Martin, Supt. Wsent away of his own accord May 19th, 1882. John Farley, wife and 3 children was admitted in the Infirmary May 25th, 1882 from Marion County, Ohio. Ages; John 40 years, Mrs. Farley 40, 14, 12, 9 years, having a legal settlement on Athens County, Ohio. Birthplace of John, Delaware County, Pennsylvania; Mrs. Farley, Washington County, Ohio; children born in Athens County, Ohio. Present condition poor and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged July 2nd, 1882. James returned April 19th, 1883. James Farley died August 20th, 1884. Interred in County? Cemetery. Ebenezer Atkinson was admitted in the Infirmary June 16th, 1882 from the Athens Asylum. Age (blank) years, having a legal settlement in Athens County. Present condition, insane. A. Martin, Supt. Taken away by his friends June 17th, 1882. W. H. Bateman was admitted in the Infirmary June 13th, 1882 by order of the Trustees of Rome Township. Age 25 years, having no legal settlement in Athens County. Birthplace Gallia County, Ohio. Present condition crippled in the back and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged June 29th, 1882. Lucy Might ?, ‘colored’, was admitted in the Infirmary August 2nd, 1882 from the Asylum, age not given but is about 45 or 50 years old. Birthplace not given. A. Martin, Supt. (No dismissal notes) Roy and Frank M. Gibson was admitted in the Infirmary September the 4th, 1882 by order of the Trustees of Athens Township. Ages 9 and 12 years, having a legal settlement in Athens County, Ohio. Present condition destitute and no home. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged November 20th, 1882. Almira Knox & 3 children, James 7 years old, Victoria 3, Mintha 3? Months was admitted in the Infirmary September 16th, 1882 by order of the Trustees of York Township; ages 29, 7 and 3 years, having no legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace West Virginia. Present condition, husband left her and she is destitute and no home. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged September 26th, 1882. Mary Higgins was admitted in the Infirmary September the 16th, 1882 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 26 years, having no legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace Vinton County, Ohio. Present condition no home, nor friends and pregnant. A. Martin, Supt. Delivered of a male child October 24th, 1882. Discharged November 20th, 1882. J. W. Carpenter was admitted in the Infirmary November 23rd, 1882 from Hocking County, Ohio having a legal settlement in York Township, Athens County. Age about 63 years. Birthplace Culpepper County, Maryland. Present condition, broken hip and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. (No dismissal notes) Mary Armstead was admitted in the Infirmary November 6th, 1882 by order of the Trustees of Rome Township. Age 16 years, having a legal settlement in Rome Township, Athens County, Ohio. Birthplace, MO. Present condition pregnant and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Delivered of a male child December 26th, 1882. Discharged February 13th, 1883. Phillip Miner was admitted in the Infirmary November 20th, 1882 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 19 years, having no legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace Germany. Present condition, sick and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged December 10th, 1882. George W. McKinzie was admitted in the Infirmary December 12th, 1882 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 35 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace not given. Present condition, sick and destitute caused by whiskey. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged January 5th, 1883. Susan Harper and child George was admitted in the Infirmary December 24th, 1882 by order of the Trustees of Lee Township. Ages 24 and 2 years, having no legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace, Galia County, Ohio. Present condition, destitute and a profligate husband. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged January 17th, 1883. Susan. Mary Johnson was admitted in the Infirmary December 30th, 1882 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 17 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace Athens County, Ohio. Present condition pregnant and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Delivered of a male child May 19th, 1883. Child died June 30th, 1883. Maria Chapman was admitted in the Infirmary December 30th, 1882 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 72? Years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace Virginia. Present condition, sick and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. (no dismissal notes) James Arthur and Mary E. Peyton was admitted in the Infirmary January 2nd, 1883 by order of the Trustees of Rome Township. Ages 4 and 2 years, having no legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace Washington County, Ohio. Present condition, Mother forsook them and they are destitute and no home. A. Martin, Supt. Sent to (Children’s) Home February 13th, 1883. James returned February 20th, 1883. James was sent to Ohio Institution for Imbecile youth January 10th, 1884. John Miller was admitted in the Infirmary January 4th, 1883 by order of the Trustees of Lodi Township. Age 79 years, having a legal settlement in Athens Township. Birthplace, Athens County, Ohio. Present condition, sick and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Died August 15th, 1888 and taken to Lodi by his relatives to bury. Died with cancer on his face. R. S. Dent, Supt. Daniel Smith was admitted in the Infirmary January 8th, 1883 by order of the Trustees of Athens Township. Age 52 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace not given. Present condition not able to work and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. (No dismissal notes) Hettie More was admitted in the Infirmary January 11th, 1883 by order of the Trustees of Trimble Township. Age 18 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace of said pauper was Morgan County, Ohio. Present condition, pregnant and no home. A. Martin, Supt. Delivered of a female child February 2nd, 1883. Sarah A. Davis aged 29 years, and William (written above, as an addition), Rebecka (Rebecca) J. Davis 8 years, John W. Davis 5 years, Mary Davis 3 years, and Blanche Davis one year old, was admitted in the Infirmary January 15th, 1883 by order of the Trustees of Dover Township, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace of said paupers is Athens County, Ohio. Present condition destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Children all sent to the (Children’s) Home February 13th, 1883. John sent back April 10th, 1883. Mrs. Davis died July 18th, 1883. Taken away by friends. Edith Boring was admitted in the Infirmary January 20th, (1883) BROUGHT BY THE directors of Vinton County. Age 11 months, having a legal settlement in York Township, Athens County, Ohio. Birthplace York Township, Athens County, Ohio. Present condition deserted by it’s mother and no friends. A. Martin, Supt. Sent tot eh (Children’s) Home February 13th, 1883. Levi Schoonover was admitted in the Infirmary February 7th, 1883 by order of the Trustees of Dover Township. Age 68 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace Randolf County, West Virginia. Previous habits good. Present condition, not able to work and no home. A. Martin, Supt. (No dismissal notes) Eli Davis & family was admitted in the Infirmary February 9th, 1883 by order of the Trustees of Dover Township. Davis, age 40 years, Mrs. Davis 17 years, Augusta 10 years, baby 11 months, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace of said Paupers is Athens County, Ohio. Present condition sick and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Augusta sent to the (Children’s) Home February 13th, 1883. Rosa and George Baker was admitted in the Infirmary February 14th, 1883 by order of the Trustees of Troy Township. Ages 9 and 7 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace Athens County, Ohio. Present condition, sick and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Sent to the (Children’s) Home February 20th, 1883. Anthony Kenedy was admitted in the Infirmary February 26th, 1883 by order of the Trustees of Dover Township. Age 70 years. Birthplace Ireland. Present condition destitute, not able to work and make a living. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged March 19th, 1883. Amanda Zartman and one child Lucy May Koans (or Koons) was admitted in the Infirmary March 2nd, 1883 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Ages 34 and 5 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace Ohio. Present condition, destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged March 19th, 1883. Elenor Bishop was received in the Infirmary March 23rd, 1883 from the Asylum by order of the Probate Judge. The said Eleanor Bishop having a legal residence in Lodi Township. NO age nor birthplace given. A. Martin, Supt. (No dismissal notes) Eliza J. Hess and John Hess was admitted in the Infirmary March 30th, 1883 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Ages 45 and 12 years, having a legal settlement in Athens County, Ohio. Birthplace, Kentucky. Present condition, sick and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Was sent to the (Children’s) Home January 9th, 1884. Elizabeth ( or Elisabeth) Peyton was admitted in the Infirmary April 10th, 1883 by order of the Trustees of Rome Township. Age 15 years, having a legal settlement in said Township of Rome. Birthplace of said pauper is Morgan County, Ohio. Present condition, destitute and crippled. A. Martin, Supt. (No dismissal notes) Anna Miles was admitted in the Infirmary April 20th, 1883 by order of the Trustees of Carthage Township. Age 17 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace of said person is Kentucky. Present condition sick with fits and no home. A. Martin, Supt. (no dismissal notes) George Louden was admitted in the Infirmary April 27, 1883 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 75 years, having a legal settlement on said Township. Birthplace is Connecticut. Present condition destitute and no home. A. Martin, Supt. Died August the 17th, 1883. Buried at infirmary. Emma Jeffers & her children was admitted in the Infirmary May 17th, 1883 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Ages 23, 2 and 4 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Present condition pregnant and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Delivered of a female child July 4th, 1883. George Smith was admitted in the Infirmary May 30th (1883) by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 44 years, having no legal residence in said County, but a resident of Muskingum County, Ohio. Birthplace North Carolina. Present condition, sick and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged. James Cahoon was admitted in the Infirmary July 4th, 1883 from the Hocking County Infirmary, having a legal residence in Athens County, Ohio. Age 40 years. Birthplace Meigs County, Ohio. Present condition sick, rheumatism. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged and gone to his friends. Theodore Norman was admitted in the Infirmary July 6th, 1883 by order of the Trustees of Dover Township. Age 73 years, having a legal settlement in said township. Birthplace Hocking County, Ohio. Present condition sick and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. (no dismissal notes) Andrew Byers was admitted in the Infirmary July 13th, 1883 by order of the Trustees of Trimble Township. Age 33 years, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace condition destitute and has fits. A. Martin, Supt. (no dismissal notes) Ella Hidle was admitted in the Infirmary August 1st, 1883 by order of the Trustees of Athens Township. Age 20 years, having a legal settlement on said County. Birthplace Zanesville, Ohio. Present condition pregnant and destitute. A. Martin, Supt. Discharged in August 1883. Jane Shimp was admitted in Infirmary September the 7th, 1883 by order of the Trustees of Alexander Township. Age 75 years, having a legal settlement in said Township, Athens County, Ohio. Her birthplace Bedford County, East Virginia. Present condition, blind and destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Taken away by her friends September 18th, 1885. Millie Wogan & child 6 months old, was admitted in to the Infirmary August 7th, 1883 by order of the Trustees of Ames Township, Athens County, Ohio. Age 35, having a legal settlement in said Township. Birthplace (blank). Present condition, (Pregnant – crossed out) sick and destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Child died August 22nd, 1883. Buried at Infirmary. Taken away by her friends September 15th, 1883. James Holland was admitted in the Infirmary September 22nd, 1883 by order of the trustees of Athens Township, Athens County, Ohio. Age 65. Birthplace Ireland, having a legal residence in said Township. Present condition, destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Died July 9th, 1891. Taken to Buchtel Catholic Cemetery by his son-in-law Clint Rain and buried there. R. S. Dent Melvina McElwain was admitted to the Infirmary Sept. 25th, 1883 by order of the Trustees of York Township, Athens County, Ohio. Age 24 years. Birthplace ?West? Johnstown. Pennsylvania. Having a legal residence in said Township. Present condition pregnant and destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Discharged December 21st (1883?) by order of the Trustees. Gave birth to a child November 24. Ran away August 7th, 1884. Child taken to (Children’s) Home August 8th, 1884. Andrew J. Byers was admitted to the Infirmary September 28th, 1883 by order of the Trustees of Trimble Township, Athens County, Ohio. Age 33. Birthplace Morgan County, Ohio. Legal residence in Trimble Township, Athens County. Present condition subject to fits. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Died January 31st, 1890. Cause of death, fits. Buried in Infirmary Cemetery, grave No. 1. R. S. Dent, Supt. Mary Rice was admitted in to the Infirmary October 9th, 1883 by order of the Trustees of York Township, Athens County, Ohio. Age 23. Athens County, Ohio is her Birthplace. Present condition destitute and pregnant. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Ran away October the 8th, 1883. Lewis Walters was admitted to the Infirmary by order of the Trustees of York Township, October 18th, 1883. Aged 28. The birthplace of Lewis Walters is Wales. Present condition sick and destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Discharged April 1884. Hugh Kennedy was admitted to the Infirmary by order of the Trustees of Athens Township November 1st, 1883. Aged 37 years. Birthplace Canada. Resident of County over one year. Condition destitute and afflicted with sore leg. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Discharged November 9th, 1883. Isaac Siddle was admitted to the Infirmary November 5th, 1883 by order of the Trustees of Athens Township, Athens County, Ohio. Aged 48. Not a legal resident of County. Birthplace not given. Condition destitute and has piles (hemorrhoids) Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Sent to Marietta, January 3, 1884. Mrs. Kate Bruce was admitted to the Infirmary November 14th, 1883 by order of the Trustees of York Township, Athens County, Ohio. Aged 27 years. One child 2 years, having a legal residence in said Township and County. Destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Child at (Children’s) Home. Mother discharged. Mrs. Martha Greene age 37, William H. Greene age 12, Alrinda Greene 9, Mary Greene 4, Jessey Greene 1 years old, was admitted to the Infirmary December 4th, 1883 by order of the Trustees of Trimble Township, Athens County, Ohio. Having a legal residence in said Township & County. Condition, destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Alrinda, Mary and Jessie was taken to (Children’s) Home December 22, 1884. William Green was taken to (Children’s) Home January 9, 1884. Miss Mary Cooper was admitted to the Infirmary by order of the Trustees of Trimble Township December 5, 1883. Age 18, having a legal residence in County. Condition, pregnant and destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Gave birth to a female child February 4th, 1884. William Davis and boy was admitted to the Infirmary December 5th, (1883) by order of the Trustees of Dover Township. Age 40. Birthplace Athens County, Ohio. Condition destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. John W. Davis was taken to the Ohio Institution for feeble minded youth, January 10th, 1884. (see page 260 also) John Beonan (this is difficult to decipher. Name could be: Bevnan, Beuanan) was admitted to the Infirmary December 8th, 1883 by order of the Trustees of Waterloo Township. Age 67. Birthplace Ireland. Not a legal resident. Condition destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Skipped out by Superintendent March 16th, 1884. George Buchanon was admitted to the Infirmary from the Asylum December 10th, 1883. Birthplace Athens County, Ohio. Present condition subject to fits. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Insane fits. Mrs. Penrod was admitted to the Infirmary December 10th, 1883 from the Asylum. Birthplace (blank), age (blank), present condition deranged and destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Went to live with her sister in Buchtel. January 2, 1884. Returned Jan. (or June) 1884. John S. Miller was admitted to the Infirmary December 20th, 1883 by order of the Trustees of Lodi Township. Age 60. Birthplace not known. Condition old And destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. (no dismissal notes) Rachel Davis was admitted to the Infirmary December 27, 1883 by order of the Trustees of Troy Township. Age 75 years. Legal resident. Condition old and destitute. Birthplace Washington County, Ohio. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Was taken away by her daughter January 25th, 1884. Mary Stevens was admitted to the Infirmary with one child by order of the Trustees of York Township, December 22, 1883. Age 23. Child’s age 2 years. Condition destitute. Birthplace, Ohio. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Skipped out February 21, 1884. Malvina McAway & child was returned to Infirmary by order of the Trustees of York Township December 22, 1883. Age 24 years, child 4 weeks. Condition destitute. Birthplace, Pennsylvania. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Child taken to the Children’s Home August 8, 1884. E. V. Hightland was admitted to the Infirmary by order of Trustees of Canaan Township, January 14th, 1884. Age 19 years. Legal resident. Birthplace Canaan Township, Athens County, Ohio. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Skipped out February 1884. Returned last of April 1884. A. J. Hunter was admitted to the Infirmary by order of Trustees of Canaan Township January 14th, 1884. Age 24 years. Birthplace Canaan Township, Athens County, Ohio. Legal resident. Condition destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. (No dismissal notes) E. Hunter was admitted to the Infirmary by order if the Trustees of Canaan Township January 14th, 1884. Age 72. Birthplace Belmont County, Ohio. Legal resident Athens County, Ohio. Condition, destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Skipped first of February 1884. Died June 10th, 1889. Taken away by his relatives. William H. Coffer (or Copper) was admitted to the infirmary by order of the Trustees of Canaan Township January 14th, 1884. Age 20 years. Born in Canaan Township, Athens County. Condition destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Ran away March 1884. William Hungerford was admitted to the Infirmary by order of Trustees of Canaan Township January 14th, 1884. Age 69. Birthplace New York. A legal resident of Athens County, Ohio. Condition destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Left April 1884. Peter Shettey (or Shetley) was admitted to the Infirmary by order of Trustees of Athens Township January 17th, 1884. Age 44 years. A legal resident of Township and County. Condition insane and destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Discharged 1885 Clarinda Starkey was admitted to the infirmary by order of the Trustees of Lodi Township January 19th, 1884. Age 34, one child age 4 months. Birthplace Athens County, Ohio. Condition destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Went away with her husband first of April 1884. Returned July 30th, 1884. Old Man Brock was brought back to infirmary by Trustees of Rome Township, January 21, 1884. Condition destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. (no dismissal notes) Samuel Smith, wife and one child were brought to the Infirmary by order of Trustees of Canaan Township January 26th, 1884. His age 31, his wife’s age 25, child 2. Birthplace Athens County. Present condition destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Samuel sent out on leg Bail (I don’t know what that is). His wife escaped through the sewer pipe hole and went to Columbus. Essa Warren was admitted to the Infirmary February 2nd, 1884 by the Trustees of York Township. Not a resident of Township or County. Age 38, sick and destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Sent to Columbus February 20, 1884. Mrs. Annie Lewis was admitted to the Infirmary by order of the Trustees of York Township March the 6th, 1884. Age 60 years. Birthplace Wales. Length of residence 6 years. Condition sick and destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Skipped out April 19th, 1884. Mr. Cushing was admitted to the Infirmary by order of the Trustees of Canaan Township on the 9th day of March, 1884 being very old, 74, sick and destitute. He was a legal citizen of Athens County, Ohio. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. (No dismissal notes) James McDonald was admitted to the Infirmary by order of the Trustees of Dover Township Match 13th, 1884. Age 33. Birthplace Ohio. Length of residence in County 2 years. Condition sick and destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Discharged March 24th, 1884. To lazy to work. George Harper was admitted to the Infirmary by order of the Trustees of Athens Township March 13th, 1884. Age 27. Birthplace Springfield, Ohio. Length of residence 4 years in County. Condition sick and destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Discharged March 24, 1884 because he would not work. George Van Pelt Andrew Marin was admitted to the Infirmary April 3rd, 1884 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Length of residence in County four years. Birthplace Virginia. Age 50 years. Condition sick and destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Departed this life April 10th, 1884. Buried in the infirmary Burying ground. Elbidge G. Lewis was admitted to the Infirmary from the Asylum April 10th, 1884. Birthplace unknown. Age 40 years. Condition insane. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Departed this life June 9th, 1884. John Porter was admitted to the Infirmary by order of the Trustees of Athens Township. Age 34. resident of Athens County. Birthplace Pennsylvania. Present condition sick and destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Went away May 25th. 1884. Harris Harding was admitted to the Infirmary May the 9th, 1884. Brought from the Asylum. Condition, insane. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Returned to the Asylum January 25th, 1887. Jane Alkinson (Atkinson, if they forgot to cross the T) was admitted to the Infirmary by order of the Trustees of Troy Township May 14th, 1884. Age 45 years. Resident of Troy Township, Athens Township. (Athens Township MIGHT have meant to say County…I don’t know.) Present condition almost blind and destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. (No dismissal notes) Willie McElroy & Maggie McElroy was brought to the Infirmary by York Township Trustees May 15th, 1884. Age 6 and 8. Condition destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Taken to the (Children’s) Home July 3rd, 1884. Annie and Alice Thompson was brought to the Infirmary May 15th, 1884 by York Township trustees ages 10 and 12 years. Condition, destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Taken to the (Children’s) Home July 3rd, 1884. Dennis Bodkins was admitted to the Infirmary April 20, 1884. Age 40. Came from Waterloo Township. Condition, sick and destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Died May 4th, 1889. Buried in Infirmary Cemetery. Mary E. Kizyer and one child was admitted to the Infirmary by order of the Trustees of York Township May 21st, 1884. Ages 22 and 2 years. Birthplace Ohio. Legal resident in Athens County, Ohio. Condition destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Child taken to (children’s) Home July 3rd, 1884. Lizzie was discharged July 8th, 1884. Mary E, Collins and 2 children admitted to the Infirmary May 24th, 1884 by order of the Trustees of Athens Township. Ages 40, 8 and 4 months. Condition destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Children taken to the (Children’s) Home July 3rd, 1884. Vina Cullison and one child was admitted to the Infirmary May 26th, 1884 by order of the Trustees of Dover Township. Age 46 and 11 years. Condition destitute and sick. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Child taken to the (Children’s) Home July 3, 1884. (Mother?) Died September 28th. Interred in County Cemetery. (see page 223 also) Mrs. Hamilton was admitted to the infirmary by order of the Trustees of Alexander Township June 11th, 1884. Age 60 years. Condition insane and destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Departed this life December 3, 1884. Interred in County Cemetery. Francis Klinger was admitted to the Infirmary by order of the York Township Trustees July 2, 1884. Age 25 years. One child and 3. Condition sick and destitute and driven from her home by her husband. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Ran away July 1884. Sarah Trainor was admitted to the infirmary by order of the Trustees of York Township July 5, 1884. Age 22. Born in Lawrence County. Condition sick and destitute, pregnant. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Ran away July 9th, 1884. Robert Henry was admitted to the Infirmary July 5th, 1884 by order of the Trustees of York Township. Age 75. Birthplace Pennsylvania. Destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Departed this life March 24th, 1885. John Ward, wife and four children was brought to the Infirmary by Superintendent from Belmont County Infirmary July 8th, 1884. Children ages 9, 6, 3, and 4 months. Condition destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Three of the children taken to the (Children’s) Home July 10th, 1884. Thomas Ronan was admitted to the Infirmary by order of the Trustees of York Township July 11th, 1884. Age 41. Born in Ireland. Condition sick and destitute. Geo. Van Pelt, Supt. Discharged September 1884. END OF VOLUME ONE