
Photography of Howard Elson North

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"Church near Mary Belle's house, North Carolina, between Snow Creek & Squally"
  Dutch Elm Disease Program

Howard North worked for a government program for a while, that dealt with the Dutch Elm Disease. They did a lot of traveling around looking for diseased trees. The following pictures are from that time period.

Doc Stealey, 1942

Doc is holding what appears to be rope...but I'm not sure what for.

Chas. (Charles) Coury & Doc Stealey, 1942
Charlie Coury, 1943

"Solid Comfort!"

"P.S. This was Noon Time????"

Albert Baker and our Truck, Summer 1943

Notice the truck had government tags on it.

Albert Baker, 1943
Paul Robinson, 1973

"Lunch on the Battlefield: Hot Dog"

Al Rutter, in front of the Rail Road tunnel, 1943
  Meigs County, Ohio
Long Bottom, Ohio, 1942
  Vinton County, Ohio
Lake Hope, 1943