Photography of
Howard Elson North
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Howard North Photos page 3
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Airport, West Virginia From Ken Scarberry:
"The Welch airport was on Belcher Mountain which was the
mountain behind Superior #3 mines or what we called Hylton Hill.
When I grew up the airport was dirt but later paved." |
"Cap's Plane", Welch Airport, West
Virginia Cap's full name is never given but a previous
resident Ken Scarberry, recalls his name as
(spelling unsure). Ken thinks Cap
might have been a doctor, living in Welch. Cap came and flew his
planes on the weekends. Mr. Scarberry has even flown in one of
Cap's planes! Thanks for the memories, Ken! |
Plane in the Hanger, Welch Airport, West
Virginia |
"Cap & Dennie Dennis", Welch Airport, West
Virginia Another blown up version of this photo, found in
the collection, has "Welch Municipal Airport, Belcher Mo
(Mountain)" |
Grove, West Virginia Wheeling area of West Virginia |
Engine House, Dry House, Head House #1,
Elm Grove, WV "With Mom's finger in foreground (grandpa
called my grandma "mom") |
#1 Head House with Heck Bradfield, Elm
Grove, WV |
Heck Bradfield at #1 Head House, Elm
Grove, WV |
Carsewell Mine
Postcard Koppers Coal Company in McDowell County,
West Virginia (not a photograph of Howard's, but in his boxes,
and part of his life) |