McLean Photos 2
McLean Photos 3
McLean Photos 4
McLean Photos 5
McLean Photos 6
McLean Photos 7
McLean Photos 8
McLean Photos 9
McLean Photos 10





McLean Photos 10

To see a CLEAR, FULL SIZE copy, click the picture. Use your browser's "Back" button to return to this page.

DeloresMcLean_and_JamesNorth_inHighSchool.jpg (97301 bytes)
Delores McLean
& James North in
High School
Ruth_and_DeloresMcLean.jpg (177328 bytes)

Ruth & Delores McLean



RuthMcLean_age18_atFederalCreek_April1953.jpg (194254 bytes)
1953, Ruth McLean, age 18
Taken at Federal Creek
(great story behind this one! Just ask)
DeloresMcLeanNorth_holdingPeggyNorth_withBillMcLean.jpg (102396 bytes)

Delores McLean North holding Peggy Darlene North, and Bill McLean


1951November23_CoraRunion_daughterHelenMcQuade.jpg (104851 bytes)
Cora Runion & daughter Helen McQuade, 1951
CoraRunion.jpg (105686 bytes)

Cora Runion


BillMcLean_LarryDouglas.jpg (146597 bytes)

Bill McLain & Larry Douglas